The Young and the Restless has had its fans in a tizzy ever since the murder of Heather Stevens. With the case building up towards a court trial, fans have taken to the social media handles of the soap to discuss their theories and opinions about the various characters that have a stake.
One of the characters involved is Sharon Newman, who may or may not have killed Heather but certainly has much guilt attached to her. However, with her failing mental health and the fact that the audience never actually saw Sharon inflict a fatal wound, many audience members doubt that the character should be held guilty so prematurely.
One fan summed up the situation and Sharon's rivalry with Phyllis in a Facebook comment on one of the soap's uploads:

Many supporters of Sharon Newman believe that she could not have killed Heather and that a true killer will be revealed during the trial as a shocking plot twist:

On the other hand, many audience members voiced their vexation at Phyllis Summers and her incessant crusade to confront Sharon and force her into admitting some sort of guilt to free Daniel from blame:

Many fans also realized that Sharon's spiraling mental health might require some assistance rather than piling blame for Heather on her:

What happened between Sharon and Heather on The Young and the Restless?

The Young and the Restless showed Sharon Newman's spiraling mental health before getting into a fight with Heather. Sharon blamed Daniel Romalotti for being involved in the car crash that killed her daughter Cassie Newman.
Sharon lashed out at Daniel in her spirit of vengeance multiple times, often in front of his partner Heather. Sharon was even distraught when her daughter, Faith Newman, was injured in a car crash with Daniel's daughter, Lucy Romalotti (though both girls recovered).
Angry and fuelled by her hallucinations, Sharon decided to poison Daniel for all the grief that he was bringing her family. When Daniel was out, she even entered his house and found his liquor cabinet. However, upon seeing a picture of Daniel with Lucy, Sharon realized she could not take a father away from his daughter.
Horrified at her actions, she tried to make a hasty exit but bumped over a glassware tray. The noise brought Heather into the room. This resulted in a heated confrontation between the two women, which turned physical.
At a point during the fight, Sharon fell and blacked out. When she awoke, Sharon saw that Heather was bleeding and not regaining consciousness. Panicking, Sharon thought she had killed Heather and immediately decided to dispose of the body by dumping it in a nearby river.
However, the soap has not yet confirmed if Sharon inflicted the blow that was responsible for Heather's death. Fans of the character are speculating that, while Sharon was blacked out, someone else killed Heather, knowing that Sharon was unstable. It seems that this plot line will converge and get resolved at Daniel's trial after Phyllis' confrontation with Sharon.
Audiences can watch The Young and the Restless streaming online via CBS and Paramount+. New episodes of the soap are released on all weekdays.