NBC's Days of Our Lives, which now airs its episodes on Peacock, has been airing on American television since 1965 and is one of the longest-running scripted soap operas. The show is set in the fictional city of Salem and mainly focuses on the Bradys, Hortons, DiMeras, and Kiriakises families. The January 7, 2025, episode of Days of Our Lives revealed a dramatic plot twist where the person behind Lady Whistleblower's column was revealed.
The episode revealed that Kerry, a character on the show who had recently come back to Salem, was the person behind the column. Fans took to Facebook to voice their opinions regarding their best guesses about who they suspected it was.
One fan, who had the username Patti Riojas, said:
"I didn't see that one coming."
Fans were also quick to point out that they had suspected that Kerry was the one responsible but they also added that they suspected that other characters of Days of Our Lives could also possibly be involved in the activities, especially Gwen.
Kerry's revelation as Lady Whistleblower on Days of Our Lives
The January 7, 2025, episode of the show revealed Kerry being responsible for Lady Whistleblower's column who had been publishing all the gossip on Salem residents. Stephanie Johnson and Chad DiMera were shown trying to piece together the clues behind who could have been the suspect.
The episode showed Chad and Stephanie investigating and being able to trace back a few financial transactions from Lady Whistleblower's account to a bank located in Rochester, New York. After Kerry's identity was ousted, she was shown trying to make others understand her reasoning behind the same.
Kerry revealed on Days of Our Lives that his motivations behind running Lady Whistleblower's column were to expose a few of the elite residents of Salem who were hypocrites and had rejected her. Fan theories added that Gwen could also potentially be involved in this.
Recent storyline developments on Days of Our Lives
Recent plotlines on Days of Our Lives showed Chanel confronting Joy after she found out that her husband Johnny DiMera had been having an affair with her. Stephanie Johnson was seen trying to grapple with her lingering emotional connection to Alex despite being in a relationship with Philip Kiriaskis.
Rafe and his lookalike Arnold were shown switching places with each other yet again which caused significant confusion to Rafe's partner Jade while Sarah was shown threatening Xander Cook and asking him to work on his issues.
Brady and Ava were shown arguing with each other regarding their problems and their concerns could potentially involve their family members as well.
Fans can watch Days of Our Lives on Peacock by streaming episodes.