Everett Lynch, played by Blake Berris on the Peacock soap opera Days of Our Lives, is a character who appeared briefly, first on October 30, 2023, and exited on August 1, 2024, after he died in Salem. The cause of his death was a mystery until Jada Hunter discovered that Connie Vinski was a dangerous killer. Connie manipulated the crime scene to make it seem like Everett committed suicide due to his disassociative identity disorder, which allowed his other personality, Bobby, to take over.
In soap operas, when a character dies, the story usually progresses within a few episodes. However, it's been nearly two months since Everett was shown dead on Days of Our Lives, yet his name continues to be mentioned alongside his lover Stephanie's storyline. This has sparked speculation about his possible return to the show.
While characters can come back from the dead, there is currently no official confirmation from the actor or the show regarding Everett's return.
Days of Our Lives: What led to the speculations of Everett Lynch’s return
The speculations about Everett Lynch (played by Blake Berris) coming back to Salem are connected to the current plot dynamics on Days of Our Lives, especially with Stephanie Johnson (Abigail Klein) and Jada Hunter (Elia Cantu) dealing with their loss and trying to find out the truth behind Evertt’s death.
Stephanie is having a hard time accepting that Everett is gone, as her emotional turmoil continues to play a central role in the storyline. Even though Everett is shown dead on screen, his presence still looms with Stephanie recalling their relationship and how things fell apart due to his dark side as Robert “Bobby” Stein.
Meanwhile, Jada is determined to find out the truth behind her ex-husband Everett’s death. Her search has brought her to Connie Viniski (played by Julie Dove), whose dangerous and unstable actions have become more apparent on Days of Our Lives.
Connie Vinski attempted to frame Everett Lynch's murder as a suicide, even creating a fake suicide note. Initially, her plan worked, as everyone believed it was suicide. However, Jada became suspicious when she noticed inconsistencies in the case. With Connie now in hiding after trying to murder Ava Vitali (Tamara Braun) and Stefan DiMera (Brandon Barash), Jada's confrontation with her is growing more intense.
As Jada investigates further, the doubts about the mysterious demise of Everett multiply. Connie's psychopathic behavior and clever plans have sparked rumors that Everett might still be alive, possibly by faking his death or due to a new plot by Mark Greene (played by Jonah Robinson), who might have secretly been involved in the whole situation.
Fans of Days of Our Lives are left wondering if Everett could make a surprising return, especially since Stephanie is still mourning and Everett's name is brought up much more than expected for a character presumed dead.
Fans of Days of Our Lives can watch the new episodes of the show on Peacock.