CBS's The Young and The Restless first premiered on American television on March 26, 1973. The show which is set in the fictional town city of Genoa City, Wisconsin was created by the couple Lee and William Bell. The Young and The Restless has kept fans entertained with its storylines for decades and has won numerous Daytime Emmy Awards.
The show mainly focuses on the rivalries and romantic engagements between the members of the Newman, Abbott, Chancellor, and Winters families. However, The Young and The Restless will not be airing today, January 20, 2025, on CBS due to the Presidential Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump.
The Young and The Restless will not air on January 20 due to the Presidential Inauguration ceremony
CBS will be broadcasting the Presidential Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States of America from 11:30 AM EST. The ceremony, which is to be held in Washington DC, will be a day-long event. Due to this, the January 20, 2025, episode of The Young and The Restless will not be aired.
CBS will air the ceremony starting from the Capitol Hill procession, the President's swearing-in ceremony, followed by the inaugural speech by Donald Trump after which he will be signing at the Oval Office. Following this, the presidential parade will take place.
Fans and viewers can continue watching their favorite Genoa City residents again from January 21, 2025. CBS will go back to its usual schedule of airing and broadcasting from Tuesday.
Recent storyline developments on The Young and The Restless
Recently on The Young and The Restless, Jordan Howard and Ian Wise's malicious plots to harm the residents of Genoa City wreaked havoc in the city. Ian's plans for Sharon Newman were directed to make sure that she was killed by Jordan Howard so that they could then pin the blame onto Phyllis Summers.
Jordan Howard abducted Sharon Newman and held her captive in an underground tunnel, shackled to the sewer pipes. Ian was shown getting furious with Jordan as she did not follow through with his plan of making sure she was killed. Jordan was shown threatening Ian to expose him as a criminal if he dared to betray her.
Sharon Newman was shown struggling to escape from the tunnel but quickly collapsed as she drank water that had been contaminated by PCP. Nick Newman and Chance Chancellor were shown digging deeper to investigate where Ian and Jordan's hideout was so that they could go and rescue Sharon from captivity before she was harmed further.
Jordan was seen running into Claire Newman in disguise in a park. Claire was startled but she quickly planned to try to gain Jordan's trust so that she could get her captured. She shared with Jordan about her struggles with the Newman family, trying to gain her trust.
Claire Newman immediately informed Nikki and Victoria about her meeting with Jordan Howard and assured them that she was roleplaying as Jordan's confidante. Claire's ulterior motive was to make sure Jordan was killed before she caused any more harm to the residents of Genoa City.
Fans and interested viewers can watch The Young and The Restless on CBS and stream episodes on Paramount+.