General Hospital is a long-running U.S. soap opera that premiered in 1963. Set in the fictional city of Port Charles, it follows the intricate lives of its characters. One key character, Sasha Gilmore, played by Sofia Mattsson, first appeared as a model in 2018 and quickly became part of the show’s central storylines. Her tumultuous relationships, including with Michael Corinthos and Brando Corbin, have added depth and drama to her character arc.
Recently, Sasha's storyline had a brief fling with Michael Corinthos and got pregnant. A baby might give Sasha another chance at motherhood; however, this will make her complicatedly fractured friendship with her close friend Willow Corinthos even harder.
With this, fans have taken it to social media and voiced their concerns. On November 11, in the Facebook group named, General Hospital Fans- Official", a fan named Matthew Mulligan posted, "Oh Sasha preggo." In the same regard, one fan with the username Sheri James Matulionis commented:
"Seriously??? It's been like two freaking days on the show!"
Some fans are concerned about how this would affect Sasha's future with Cody, while others suggest that she may not even be aware that she is pregnant yet as seen in the Facebook post. Some of these comments include:
Additional details about Sasha's pregnancy plot twist
According to the past episodes, Sasha and Cody were getting close along with Holly disclosing that Robert Scorpio may not be Sasha's real father after all. As Sasha worked through this confusion, she lured back to Michael. With this Sasha got to know that she is pregnant.
After becoming close to Cody Bell and Michael Corinthos, Sasha got confused who the father is. With this twist, Sasha might get a chance to experience motherhood again after losing her son, Liam.
Liam's premature birth caused difficulties that ultimately led to his death on General Hospital. He was saved, but his condition was too precarious, and he died in NCIU. However, this pregnancy can also jeopardize Sasha's friendship with Willow Corinthos. If Michael is found to be the father of both Sasha's and Willow's children, it is expected to cause major conflict between the two women.
A closer look at Sasha Gilmore‘s character on General Hospital
Actress Sofia Mattsson plays Sasha Gilmore, who debuted on General Hospital in 2018. In the beginning, the character had a cameo appearance when Sofia's twin sister, Natalie Mattsson, played the role. Sofia Mattsson was eventually made a more permanent actress for the part from 2018.
Sasha Gilmore, introduced on General Hospital as a model, quickly became a central character. Initially believed to be Nina Reeves's daughter, it was later revealed that she was only posing as her adopted child, adding significant drama to the storyline. Sasha's most notable relationship was with Brando Corbin; the two married but faced heartbreak after the tragic death of their son, Liam.
This loss deeply impacted Sasha, and her grief became a key focus in her character’s journey on the show.
Closing thoughts
The storylines of Sasha Gilmore on the show have dramatically been altered especially with her recent pregnancy twist. Howber, this is not the only storyline that’s unfolding on General Hospital.
As per the current storyline, Lura begs Lulu to get better, Trina refuses to back down, and Diane goes up to Robert. While Jason is asked by Danny if he can live with him, Holly must make a difficult decision regarding her future with Robert. Viewers can watch the next episodes of this daily soap on ABC.