Violet Finn, played by Jophielle Love, quickly became a beloved character on General Hospital with her sweet nature and heartwarming relationship with her father, Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton). Since her debut, Violet has charmed audiences, especially in her scenes with Finn, as well as her playful interactions with other characters like Harrison Chase and Brook Lynn.
Her innocence and joy brought a refreshing light to the show, and she developed a strong fan following in a short amount of time. Violet’s presence in the Quartermaine household, where she was taken care of during Finn’s absence, added a family dynamic that fans began to adore.
However, the recent twist, which includes Finn moving to Seattle after completing rehab means that Violet will be going with him. This off-screen departure has left many viewers heartbroken.
Fans expressed their sadness, not only over Finn’s unexpected exit but also over Violet’s absence, with many questioning whether this is a temporary break or a permanent goodbye for the father-daughter duo. The suddenness of their departure left audiences with mixed emotions, and many are hoping that both Michael Easton and Jophielle Love will return to General Hospital in the future.
"It's sad to see this sweet girl leave." commented one fan on X.
Fans have taken to X to express their disappointment over Violet Finn's exit. Many fans shared heartbreaking comments on the actor's departure from General Hospital.
"Another good story about to be gone" shared another fan on X.
"I would like her to stick around. Good little actress." commented another user on X
"Why are they taking her off the show? I saw it today and that goodbye was heartbreaking to watch 🥹 " posted this fan.
"I will miss Violet/Jophielle!" said another fan.
"Please stay Jophielle you remind me of Emma drake in that age and I want to see you shine on the show and violet meet her new future baby cousin" posted another fan on X.
"I’m happy for Violet, but I hope that doesn’t mean I have to be unhappy for me. I don’t want to see her go. She is just that special, and it’s not just Chase and Brook Lynn who will be unhappy." said another fan.
"She is such a sweet cutie and, good actress. I’m really gonna miss Violet! I wish nothing but, the absolute best in her life and her career!" commented one fan.
Violet Finn was the heart of the Quartermaine household on General Hospital
General Hospital now feels Violet Finn's absence as audience members have watched her grow over the past five years. Since her first appearance in 2019, Jophielle Love has been successful in portraying the innocence of a young girl whose life has been inextricably intertwined with all the drama and complexities of Port Charles.
From her relationship with her father Finn to her ties with Chase and Brook Lynn, Violet's presence brought warmth into General Hospital. As the daughter of Hamilton Finn and Hayden Barnes, Violet's storyline has always been one rooted in love.
The audiences were all greatly touched by Violet's tearful goodbyes, with many of them even commenting that the scene had a heartbreakingly real feel to it.
The farewell red-eyed scene stirs in the audience a mix of emotions with the fans who have come to love the character. Although Violet is leaving to be with her dad in Seattle, fans remain hopeful that one day, both Violet and Finn will be back in Port Charles, thus bringing the much-loved father-daughter duo back onto the screen.
Interested viewers can watch the episodes of General Hospital on ABC every weekday.
Read More: What happened to Violet Finn on General Hospital? Explained