American actor Mark Grossman currently portrays the character of Adam Newman in The Young and the Restless. Adam is Victor Newman's son from his marriage to Hope Wilson in the storyline. After birth, Adam was portrayed by many child actors till two years, when baby Adam and his mother left for Kansas, where he stayed till becoming an adult.
An adult Adam, portrayed by Chris Engen, returned to The Young and the Restless in 2008. Over the years, many actors have played the dark character whose story arc is ridden with controversial actions and moves. For a long time, Adam was considered an anti-hero, but recently his role as a devoted father and a considerate lover has changed his image into a more relatable personality.
The Young and the Restless: Four different actors played the adult Adam Newman
As mentioned before, the return of Victor's estranged son to Genoa City was portrayed by Chris Engen. Chris exited the role after a year and Michael Muhney stepped in to play Adam. Soon, Adam was shown to be interested in Rafe in the storyline. This led to the audience's belief that actor Chris Engen was homophobic, which the actor denied.
After five years, Muhney was replaced by Justin Hartley. Hartley played the character for two years between 2014 and 2016. Hartley exited the soap after an explosion left Adam dead, as per the storyline.
April 2019 on The Young and the Restless saw Adam resurrected as Victor found out his amnesiac son in Las Vegas. A flashback sequence of Adam's childhood had child actor Dane West portray the character's childhood.
The actors playing Adam Newman and the years of portrayal are listed below.
The Young and the Restless: A quick glance at Adam Newman
Born in 1995 to Victor and Hope, the young Adam grew up in Kansas. He came to know about his biological father after his mother died of cancer. His entry in Genoa City spelt trouble for his father as he clashed with Victor often. He caused Ashley to fall down the stairs. This resulted in the loss of her pregnancy. In return, he stole Sharon's baby and gave it to Ashley while telling Sharon that the baby died.
On one hand, he pretended to be gay to get close to Rafe while falling in love and getting married to Sharon. He also wanted to come clean about Sharon's baby but was thwarted by their plane crash. While Sharon forgave her after reuniting with her daughter, Faith, their relationship went through conflicts.
Adam also had conflicting relationships with his siblings. He later married Skye, another crook, and together they ran a hedge fund. When Skye died by falling into a volcano, Sharon was suspected.
In 2012, Adam and Chelsea met and married. Later divorced, they had a baby, Connor, and moved in as a family. However, Connor had an inheritable eye disease that needed a transplant. Adam accidentally ran over Delia, causing her death. While Delia's corneas were donated to Connor, Bill forced Adam into a car crash, leaving him presumably dead.
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He came back to The Young and the Restless with a restructured face and got in with Chelsea. However, his involvement with Sage gave him baby Christian, who is taken in by Nick, believing the baby to be his.
When Victor set up Adam to face charges for Constance's death, he escaped with Chelsea and his son. However, the child developed a fever, and Nick pitched in to take the mother-baby duo to a doctor while Adam waited in a cabin. However, Chloe drugged him and set the cabin on fire. Adam was again presumed dead on The Young and the Restless.
Victor discovered an amnesiac Adam alive in Las Vegas. Victor and Sharon brought him back to Genoa City and helped revive his memory. While he had a relationship tussle with Chelsea and Sharon, his position in his family turned for the better. He helped in Victoria's wedding while his father made him the CEO of Newman Media.
Since he met Sally, he has had an on-and-off relationship with her even through the miscarriage of their baby. However, Sally's closeness to Nick during Adam's separation from her brought enmity between the brothers. However, through some cool-off periods in romance and let-downs on the work front, Adam managed to grab the position of co-CEO at Newman Enterprises. He and Sally also came together.
However, Connor was diagnosed with OCD, making the child's parents make trips to the treatment facility. With the worry bringing Chelsea and Adam close, the former couple ended up in a drunken intimacy. However, both tried to cover up the incident and stood in denial as the storyline of The Young and the Restless showed.
Whether denying intimacy with a former spouse will let Adam leave sleeping dogs lie or will create more complications remains to be seen. Watch out for Adam's next move on The Young and the Restless airing on CBS all weekdays.