“Relentless pace of our digital age:” General Hospital’s Chad Duell addresses fans with key message on his social media

Chad Duell (Image via Instagram / duelly)
Chad Duell (Image via Instagram/ duelly)

In the world today, where social media and technology are a big part of people's lives, Chad Duell, a famous actor from the show General Hospital who plays Michael Corinthos, posted on Instagram, asking people to remember to pause and spend some time with nature.

“In the relentless pace of our digital age,” he wrote.
“The importance of stepping away from technology and immersing ourselves in the natural world cannot be overstated. When we disconnect from our screens, we reconnect with the timeless rhythms of life that ground us,” he added

Chad Duell is an American actor born on September 14, 1987, in Sioux City, Iowa. He began his role as Michael Quartermaine in the show General Hospital on April 20, 2010, taking over from Drew Garrett.

Duell is recognized for his impressive acting abilities and soon became a favorite among fans of the longstanding soap opera, General Hospital. The purpose of Chad Duell's meaningful post was to highlight the need to take breaks from our electronic devices and reconnect with the natural world.

“The whisper of the wind through the trees, the dance of sunlight on water, and the quiet rustle of leaves underfoot all remind us of a deeper, more enduring reality,” he continued.
“These moments of escape are not just a respite; they are a return to a more authentic state of being. Embrace the tranquility, breathe deeply, and let the simplicity of nature restore your soul and awaken your senses.”

General Hospital: Chad Duell’s love for nature

Even though Duell doesn't use social media a lot, whenever he posts something, it usually connects well with his followers. One of the best parts of his life is his 10-month-old baby, Dawson, and his wife, Luana Lucci.

The couple keeps taking trips to places, which helps them connect with nature. In 2022, before Dawson was born, Duell and Lucci went on a winter vacation to Yosemite National Park.

In January 2024, the entire family, with their five-month-old baby, Dawson, went to Big Bear to have fun in the snow. They take time off work to enjoy the natural beauty.

Spending time like this with Dawson shows him how to love and take care of nature. These activities are good for their body and mind. Duell reminds us that it's important to take breaks from screens and enjoy time outside.

Several studies and researches also show the same as Duell’s advice. They show that being outdoors can greatly lower stress, boost happiness and improve overall health. Nature therapy, also known as ecotherapy, is becoming more accepted as a way to fight the negative impacts of increasingly digital lifestyles.

People who like General Hospital and Chad Duell might agree with what he says. Stopping using screens and seeing the world can make life better and happier.

Chad Duell's Instagram post tells people how it's good to spend less time looking at screens. His idea about how nice nature is and how it can make someone feel happier are not just good to hear but also helpful.

New episodes of the General Hospital are available to watch on ABC.

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Edited by Bhargav
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