A lively discussion about The Young and the Restless broke out on Facebook and fans had a lot to say about Sharon and Phyllis, especially in context of recent episodes. The group focused on one key issue: how Sharon and Phyllis keep colliding at Crimson Lights.
The question at hand is whether Sharon should bar Phyllis from her coffee shop once and for all, or simply ignore her.
The Young and the Restless fans pointed to the tension between them, which seems to grow whenever they cross paths. Many remember past incidents and wonder if that history is feeding their current standoffs.
"Sharon should ban Phyllis from Crimson Lights.”
Right after this comment appeared, others chimed in with support. Some folks think it’s pointless for Phyllis to show up if she clearly can’t get along with Sharon.
Others went further, saying they wouldn’t set foot in a place owned by someone they dislike. A group of posters agreed that if Phyllis wouldn’t back down, Sharon might have every right to refuse her service.

Several The Young and The Restless fans felt Sharon acted strangely, pointing to scenes where she confronted Phyllis and then claimed to stay calm.
Some posts said Sharon’s facial expressions seem off, while a few people feel she’s slipping into a smug attitude. A handful repeated the original call to keep Phyllis out, arguing that it would cut down on needless drama.

Others laughed at the fact that everyone in Genoa City seems to flock to the same coffee spot, so run-ins are bound to happen. A different wave of feedback came from viewers who can’t fathom why Phyllis insists on visiting Crimson Lights if it sets her off.
They feel there must be other places to grab coffee. Many still hold Sharon accountable for her earlier misdeeds, no matter what substances she was under at the time. They also mention how Phyllis, on the other hand, has a record of impulsive behavior. So, in their view, both are stirring up trouble.

A segment of fans believes Sharon carries a superior attitude, especially in her exchanges with Phyllis. A few note that Phyllis can be abrasive, but they see Sharon’s manner as even more off-putting right now.
Some viewers have grown tired of the way Sharon shifts between confidence and neediness when Nick appears. Others look at Phyllis and see an equal share of guilt. One camp wants Sharon to take more responsibility, while another camp argues that Phyllis is wrong to poke Sharon if she can’t handle the pushback.

Several individuals repeated that Phyllis should avoid Crimson Lights if she can’t stand Sharon, rather than march in ready to argue. Others feel the show has let Sharon slip by without facing enough fallout.
In general, fans keep returning to the same question: if tension is so high, why not ban Phyllis outright or simply refuse to serve her? Even so, some joke that Sharon would never turn away paying customers.

Recent Developments of The Young and the Restless
This storyline of The Young and the Restless links back to Sharon’s time under the influence of PCP. It influenced her behavior when Cameron Kirsten manipulated her into thinking certain people posed threats. Phyllis was part of that mix, which led to a setup that put Daniel in a difficult position.
Investigators later concluded that Cameron was behind a murder, and Sharon’s drugged state factored into her charges being dropped. Daniel, however, still lost his wife, which he and Phyllis blame on Sharon getting pulled into Cameron’s plans.
The newest episodes of The Young and The Restless also highlight that Sharon wants to heal. She keeps telling Nick she’s ready to move forward, but Phyllis and Daniel refuse to overlook what happened.
Phyllis interrupted Billy’s private meetings, hinting that she might branch out and work with him and Daniel on a business venture. Meanwhile, Nate has been drawn into a separate mystery involving Damian, a newcomer connected to his family background.
This drama on The Young and The Restless unfolds alongside Sharon’s efforts to get her life back to normal. She has already returned to Crimson Lights, where she crosses paths with Phyllis at awkward moments. These run-ins add fuel to an already tense atmosphere between them.
There’s no sign that the conflict between Sharon and Phyllis will fade anytime soon. Many see the tension as a key driver in the show’s daily twists.
Others roll their eyes each time Phyllis enters Crimson Lights, expecting another clash. Events of The Young and The Restless from late 2024 to early 2025 have built up serious friction between them, and their uneasy truce seems unlikely to hold. Phyllis often expresses that she wants Sharon to face more consequences. Sharon hopes to find closure and avoid legal trouble.
Fans can watch The Young and The Restless on CBS.