The Bold and the Beautiful is an American soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell. It premiered on March 23, 1987 and is set in Los Angeles. Two of the most prominent characters include Taylor Hayes and Brooke Logan, played by Rebecca Budig and Katherine Kelly Lang, respectively.
The current storyline of The Bold and the Beautiful revolves around Ridge's persistent emotional conflict. This is especially true with Brooke and Taylor, as both women compete for their love.
With this, fans have voiced their concerns through a Facebook post. One fan with the username Starla Elsberry commented:
"Oh, brother! Same old, same old with Ridge, Taylor and Brooke. So tired....."
The constant love triangle between Ridge, Brooke, and Taylor has seemingly irritated fans. Some of these comments include:
Fans are fed up with the same plotline being repeated and believe Ridge continues to harm both ladies. Instead of the incessant back-and-forth drama, viewers look for something different.
More about Ridge's endless back-and-forth between Taylor and Brooke
The complex love triangle involves Ridge Forrester, Brooke Logan, and Taylor Hayes. Ridge has been experiencing emotional turmoil for years as he struggles to decide between the two women.
He has a strong bond with Brooke and Taylor, but both have suffered because of Ridge's incapacity to commit. Everyone is wondering where they stand with Ridge as a result of this continuous indecision.
Taylor recently expressed anxiety that Brooke will attempt to reclaim Ridge. Taylor's daughter, Steffy, asks if her mother is concerned about Brooke's activities, and Taylor concedes that Brooke would always fight for Ridge's love. On the other hand, Brooke is desperate to reclaim Ridge and even informs him that she intends to retake control of the Forrester company.
In a different plot, Bill Spencer assists Luna Nozawa by obtaining her release from prison, but he does so under very specific guidelines. Before he completely supports her, Bill insists that Luna tell him the truth about what happened before Tom and Hollis died. In a desperate attempt to win Bill's complete support, Luna must divulge the sinister details of her history.
The tension increases as Ridge, Brooke, and Taylor remain in a love triangle. Fans are left wondering who Ridge would choose and how his uncertainty will affect his work and personal connections.
Cast of The Bold and the Beautiful
The Bold and the Beautiful cast includes several actors playing classic parts. Some long-time stars are Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke Logan Forrester) and John McCook (Eric Forrester), and they have been with the show since its inception in 1987. Jacqueline MacInnes Wood plays Steffy Forrester Finnegan, and Annika Noelle portrays Hope Logan Spencer.
There are also several cast members who return to the show. Jennifer Gareis plays Donna Logan, and Ashleigh Brewer reprises her role as Ivy Forrester. Henry Joseph Samiri plays Douglas Forrester and Alley Mills portrays Pamela Douglas.