Steffy Forrester, played by Jacqueline MacInnes Wood on The Bold and the Beautiful, is at the heart of the drama at Forrester Creations. After an internal coup removed her, her father Ridge, and her grandfather Eric from management, Steffy has a plan to regain control from the team of Brooke, Carter, and her rival Hope.
On January 13, 2025, she arrived at the main office to strike a deal with Carter, keeping the details of her plan secret from her family.
While her sudden decision to join the company may have been intriguing, fans of the soap could not stop discussing her office wardrobe and took to social media to express their views. One viewer, going by the name Anna Cecelia, commented on the soap's fan page:
"Someone needs to teach Steffy what office appropriate attire is."
Many fans agreed with this view and replied on the response thread.
Some others found Steffy's dressing sense justified.
However, a lot of fans supported Steffy's attire on Monday's episode and hit out at the criticism.
The Bold and the Beautiful: More on Steffy's current plot dynamics
Steffy Forrester had to quit her CEO position when Carter Walton, COO of Forrester Creations, called a coup with Hope Logan. This happened in the wake of Steffy firing Hope from her job as a designer and pulling the plug on Hope's fashion line. Carter, who was romantically involved with Hope, signed his name as the company manager in the LLC papers to protest after Steffy refused to listen to any explanation.
While Steffy's hasty move was unfair, Carter and Hope's actions amounted to betrayal for the Forresters, company founder, Eric and co-CEO, Ridge. As such they all quit the company. In such a situation, Steffy planned to get the company back through underhand methods.
Knowing that Carter is planning to expand the company and include perfumery, Steffy employed Paris's fragrance expert, Daphne Rose, as her insider. She revealed part of her plan to Daphne and entrusted her with breaking Carter Walton. However, on Monday, January 13, Steffy arrived in Forrester's office and announced to Hope, Carter, and Brooke her decision to rejoin the company.
She declared that she felt compelled to protect her investments in the company as a shareholder. While she and her entire family felt betrayed by the present scenario, she wanted the company to do well for her children to take over in the future. She offered a deal to Carter where she should be named the President of Forrester Creations.
Also Read: The Bold and The Beautiful: 3 major developments to expect this week
What is happening in the Ridge-Brooke relationship?
Brooke Logan overheard Carter's coup plan and rushed to inform Ridge, who blamed Hope for the betrayal. Ridge criticized Hope, echoing Steffy’s sentiments, which led Brooke to defend her daughter. Upset, Ridge left.
Later, Brooke accepted the CEO position to help Ridge regain the company, but Ridge misunderstood it as disloyalty. Turning to his ex-wife Taylor Hayes, Ridge further insulted Brooke, prompting her to slap him for excluding her from his family.
With encouragement from Steffy, Ridge and Taylor continue to reconnect romantically, while Brooke is feeling let down. Whether Brooke moves on to another romance to spite Ridge remains to be seen.
Continue watching CBS every weekday to catch the upcoming drama on The Bold and the Beautiful.
Also Read: The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for the next week from January 13 to 17, 2025