The Bold and the Beautiful an American soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell, premiered on March 23, 1987, on CBS. As a sister show to The Young and the Restless, the series quickly gained popularity, growing into one of the most-watched soap operas globally. It remains a staple of daytime television with an estimated audience of 26.2 million viewers.
The show is set in the glamorous city of Los Angeles and focuses on the Forrester family, who run a high-fashion business. Its storylines involving love, betrayal, and family conflicts have kept viewers hooked for years. The Bold and the Beautiful has won 77 Daytime Emmy Awards, proving its success and lasting impact on television.
The show focuses on the complicated relationships between the Forrester, Logan, and Spencer families, which have been key to its long-running success. Beloved characters such as Eric Forrester, played by John McCook, and Brooke Logan, played by Katherine Kelly Lang, have become essential to the show’s legacy.
Family tree of the residents of Los Angeles on The Bold and the Beautiful
Forrester family
First generation
- Eric Forrester
- John Forrester
Second generation
- Ridge Forrester - Son of Eric Forrester
- Thorne Forrester - Son of Eric Forrester
- Angela Forrester - Daughter of Eric Forrester
- Kristen Forrester Dominguez - Daughter of Eric Forrester
- Felicia Forrester - Daughter of Eric Forrester
- Jessica Forrester - Daughter of John Forrester
- Ivy Forrester - Daughter of John Forrester
- Eric "Rick" Forrester Jr. - Son of Eric Forrester
- Bridget Forrester - Daughter of Eric Forrester
- Marcus Forrester - Adopted son of Eric Forrester
- John Forrester, Jr.
Third generation
- Thomas Forrester - Son of Ridge Forrester
- Steffy Forrester - Daughter of Ridge Forrester
- Phoebe Forrester - Daughter of Ridge Forrester
- Alexandria "Aly" Forrester - Daughter of Thorne Forrester
- Zende Forrester Dominguez - Adoptive son of Kristen Forrester
- Dominick Forrester Damiano - Son of Felicia Forrester
- Ridge "R.J." Forrester Jr. - Son of Ridge Forrester
- Eric Forrester III - Daughter of John Forrester, Jr.
- Nicole Marone - Daughter of Bridget Forrester
- Ambrosia "Rosie" Barber Forrester - Daughter of Marcus Forrester
- Elizabeth Nicole "Lizzy" Forrester - Daughter of Eric "Rick" Forrester Jr.
- Electra Forrester - Daughter of John Forrester, Jr.
Fourth generation
- Douglas Forrester - Son of Thomas Forrester
- Kelly Spencer - Daughter of Steffy Forrester
- Hayes Finnegan - Adoptive son of Steffy Forrester
Logan family
First generation
- Late Helen Logan
Second generation
- Stephen Logan - Son of Helen Logan
Third generation
- Late Storm Logan - Son of Stephen Logan
- Brooke Logan - Daughter of Stephen Logan
- Donna Logan - Daughter of Stephen Logan
- Katie Logan - Daughter of Stephen Logan
Fourth generation
- Bridget Forrester - Daughter of Brooke Logan
- Hope Logan - Daughter of Brooke Logan
- Jack Marone - Adoptive son of Brooke Logan
- R.J. Forrester - Son of Brooke Logan
- Marcus Forrester - Son of Donna Logan
- Will Spencer - Son of Katie Logan
Fifth generation
- Late Nicole Marone - Daughter of Bridget Forrester
- Beth Spencer - Daughter of Hope Logan
- Rosie Forrester - Daughter of Marcus Forrester
Also Read: The Bold and The Beautiful: 3 major developments to expect this week
Spencer family
First generation
Undocumented on The Bold and the Beautiful
Second generation
- Late Bill Spencer, Sr.
Third generation
- Late Caroline Spencer
- Karen Spencer - Daughter of Bill Spencer, Sr.
- Bill Spencer, Jr. - Son of Bill Spencer, Sr.
Fourth generation
- Late Caroline Spencer II - Daughter of Karen Spencer
- Liam Spencer - Son of Bill Spencer, Jr.
- Wyatt Spencer - Son of Bill Spencer, Jr.
- Will Spencer - Son of Bill Spencer, Jr.
Fifth generation
- Douglas Forrester - Son of Karen Spencer
- Kelly Spencer - Daughter of Liam Spencer
- Beth Spencer - Daughter of Liam Spencer
- Late Dylan Spencer - Son of Wyatt Spencer
Fans of The Bold and the Beautiful can watch the new episodes on CBS and Paramount Plus.