CBS soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful aired a new episode on December 27, 2024. In this episode, Will and Ivy discovered shocking truths about Electra’s firing, which made Katie share the deepfakes of Electra as an evidence but Will quickly exposed the deception.
At the same time, Fanny Greyson’s perfume presentation stirred up both excitement and doubt. While Carter and Hope were impressed by her ideas, Katie warned about moving too fast with the brand’s growth. The office was filled with ambition and uncertainty as Forrester prepared for a potential new venture.
In other parts of the storyline, Electra faced betrayal from Remy that led to a tense confrontation. Meanwhile, Bill received an emotional plea from Luna, whose injuries and desperation showed the harsh realities of her imprisonment. The episode set the stage for heightened drama in the coming week.
The Bold and the Beautiful recap for the episode aired on Friday, December 27, 2024
Will and Ivy demand the truth about Electra
At Forrester Creations on The Bold and the Beautiful, Will and Ivy questioned Katie, Carter, and Hope about Electra’s unexpected firing. Katie was reluctant to explain at first but eventually showed Will some altered photos with Electra's face on someone else's body, which was meant to discredit Electra. Will quickly realized they were AI-generated deepfakes, leaving Ivy stunned.
This discovery made Will even more determined to prove Electra’s innocence and showed how far someone had gone to ruin her career. Ivy, just as angry, promised to help Will find the truth. Katie and Carter were left reeling as the situation threatened to impact Forrester’s reputation.
Fanny Greyson introduces her fragrance line
Meanwhile, in the CEO’s office on The Bold and the Beautiful, Fanny Greyson, a musician and businesswoman, introduced her new perfume line to Carter, Hope, and Katie. The fragrances, meant to capture romance and elegance, impressed everyone, especially Hope who admired Fanny’s vision.
However, Katie shared her concerns about rushing into the partnership too fast. She advised Carter to think carefully about how it might affect Forrester’s high-end brand in the long run. The meeting ended with some optimism, but the underlying worries suggested that there could be difficulties ahead.
Electra confronts Remy’s betrayal
At Remy’s apartment on The Bold and the Beautiful, Electra realized just how obsessed and deceitful he was. Scared and hiding, she confronted him about the fake photos that got her fired. Remy confessed to changing the pictures and sending them to Forrester, admitting it was out of jealousy and his refusal to let her move on with her life.
Electra was horrified as Remy explained his twisted sense of love and his belief that she belonged to him. When she tried to leave, Remy stopped her, keeping her trapped in the apartment. His confession left Electra in a dangerous spot, adding more tension to the storyline.
Bill faces Luna’s desperate plea
At the prison, Bill was heartbroken to see Luna covered in bruises and injuries, caused by the cruel treatment she suffered from other prisoners. Luna cried and shared her story, expressing regret for her past mistakes and the constant danger she faced behind bars.
Pleading for Bill’s help, Luna begged him to see her as a victim of circumstance rather than a murderer. Her emotional plea left Bill feeling conflicted and unsure of whether to focus on her suffering or the weight of her actions.
Fans of The Bold and the Beautiful can watch the new episodes of the show on CBS and Paramount+.