CBS soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful aired a new episode on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. In this episode, Steffy Forrester vowed to take charge of Forrester Creations. At the same time, Carter and Hope’s partnership took a turn when they met a mysterious perfumer named Daphne Rose.
At Bill’s mansion, Luna thought about her past while starting a new chapter with Bill’s help. Steffy came up with a plan to weaken Carter and Hope’s power at Forrester Creations. Daphne Rose, on the other hand, impressed Carter and Hope with her signature fragrance that was connected directly to the 'Forrester' name.
Bill Spencer kept working on helping Luna, growing closer to her in the process. When Daphne Rose went to see Steffy at her house, some surprising connections came to light. It turned out they were working together and had a plan to target Carter. Meanwhile, Carter and Hope were trying to figure out what Daphne’s visit meant, not realizing they were being pulled into a bigger scheme.
The Bold and the Beautiful recap for the episode aired on Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Steffy plots to regain control
At the Forrester mansion on The Bold and the Beautiful, Steffy called a meeting with Eric, Taylor, and Ridge to talk about what happened after Carter and Hope took over Forrester Creations. Steffy was determined to protect her family’s business and suggested she should go back to work, even if it meant pretending to be professional.
Eric liked her idea and admired her commitment, but Ridge remained skeptical. He thought they should handle things legally. Steffy, however, felt they didn’t have much time and insisted she had a creative plan to break Carter and Hope’s control over the company.
Bill mentors Luna
At Bill’s house on The Bold and the Beautiful, Luna came out of hiding, thankful for Bill’s help and protection as he got her out of jail. Thinking about her difficult past, Luna said sorry for her earlier mistakes, including an uncomfortable romantic moment with Bill. He told her he saw her like a daughter and wanted to help her start over.
Bill talked about his own tough times and legal troubles, giving Luna a chance to turn her life around. He stressed the need to follow his rules and set high standards for her behavior.
Daphne Rose’s entrance
At Forrester Creations on The Bold and the Beautiful, Carter and Hope had a meeting with Fanny Greyson to discuss a possible deal for a new fragrance. Daphne Rose, a famous and well-known perfumer, showed up unexpectedly. Daphne was confident and didn’t bother with formal introductions.
She presented a new perfume called “Forrester,” which left them both impressed and intrigued. Even though Daphne didn’t leave any samples of the fragrance, her mysterious personality and the name of the perfume sparked excitement. After she left, Fanny told Carter and Hope that they should take this chance to work with Daphne, calling it a good fortune.
Daphne’s secret alliance with Steffy
Later, Daphne showed up at Steffy’s house, revealing their long-standing friendship and alliance. Steffy complimented Daphne and asked what she thought of Carter and Hope. Daphne confidently told Steffy that she could handle Carter, which fit perfectly with Steffy’s plan to take back control of Forrester Creations.
The conversation hinted at a deeper scheme, with Daphne playing a pivotal role in Steffy’s strategy to outsmart Carter and Hope.
Electra and Will’s budding connection
Meanwhile on The Bold and the Beautiful, Electra and Will recapped their day in the design office. Electra expressed gratitude for Will’s support and looked forward to building a connection with his father, Bill.
Watch the new episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful on CBS and Paramount Plus.