The long-running and popular CBS daily soap, The Bold and the Beautiful, has hinted at an unexpected pairing in recent episodes. While viewers were preoccupied with Hope Logan crushing over a happily married Finn Finnegan, annoying Finn's wife, Steffy, Hope unexpectedly flirted with Carter on the September 27 episode.
The Bold and the Beautiful fans already know that the soap has presented unconventional couples over the years. As such, Hope and Steffy share an old rivalry on the soap, and continuing a tug-of-war over the same man is not new to them. So, yes, Hope and Carter's romance may influence the office dynamics and cost either of them their career.
The Bold and the Beautiful: How did Hope and Carter's relationship develop?
In The Bold and the Beautiful episode, dated September 27, 2024, Steffy forbade Hope to go to the salon to meet rockstar JJ, who was due to perform against the backdrop of Brooke's lingerie collection. While Hope claimed she was a fan of the musician, Steffy firmly informed her that Finn was a bigger fan.
She asked Hope to stay away from Finn, threatening to cull Hope's fashion line otherwise. When Steffy brought JJ backstage to meet all the members, she caught Hope looking at Finn and called her off.
In the design office, as a distraught Hope reminisced about her kiss with Finn, Carter caught her looking upset. The two talked about Hope's fashion line, and Carter offered to suggest something that struck him. In a bid to keep her thoughts off Finn and Steffy, Hope quizzed Carter on his suggestions. The latter suggested that Hope should model for her mother's lingerie collection.
The next The Bold and the Beautiful episode found them sharing a banter about Carter imagining Hope in lingerie while the duo laughed over this. However, the discussion shifted to their past experiences as Hope, played by Annika Noelle, remembered Thomas as the last person to have seen her in lingerie. She pointed out that the relationship did not turn out well.
Carter, played by Lawrence Saint Victor, responded similarly about his relationship with Quinn, who rejected his marriage proposal. He realized how his closeness with Quinn while she was married to Eric was wrong, but he had hoped they would get closer when Eric divorced Quinn.
They were interrupted by Eric, who walked in to look for some design sheets. As he left, Hope and Carter accepted that an office romance would be unwelcome. However, as they shared glances and touched hands, they seemed to share a chemistry too.
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How would the current plot dynamics between Hope and Carter affect the storyline?
The current Hope and Carter story arc was an unprecedented twist for The Bold and the Beautiful fans. While it is undeniable that the inappropriate discussion between the two in the office was awkward, they needed something to cover up in front of Eric. Moreover, Carter has a history of dating Eric's onetime-wife, Quinn, in an extramarital status.
Carter's changing sides may take aback CEO Steffy. He supported Steffy in closing Hope's collection due to poor sales. If he continues to support the CEO's rival romantically, Steffy and Ridge may evaluate the matter, and one of them may lose their job.
The good part of the pairing would be that Steffy will have Hope off Finn's back and may rest assured about any danger to her marriage from Hope. As such, Taylor can also be relaxed about her daughter's marriage.
Also Read: The Bold and the Beautiful: When did Carter and Katie break up?
Moreover, Carter's last broken relationship was with Katie. With Katie trying to mend her relationship with Bill, Carter is free. However, Brooke may worry that Carter has an unfortunate track record about romances.
Stay tuned to CBS on weekdays to catch the latest happenings on The Bold and the Beautiful as the Hope-Carter story arc progresses.