CBS' The Bold and The Beautiful, which premiered in 1987, has been among the most-watched American soap operas. It is set in Los Angeles, and the story revolves around its residents, focusing on the Forrester and Logan families especially. Their ambitions clash, and the power struggle intensifies as the plot gets thicker in the upcoming episodes.
This week, the show will focus on the ongoing power struggle at Forrester Creations, forcing Brooke to make some serious decisions with consequences that will shake Genoa City.
Hope's power struggle is expected to intensify, while Bill's unpredictable moves will have fans questioning his true intentions. Remy Forrester's equation with Electra will turn into obsessive behavior. His actions might only be a tool for him to satisfy his desires of attaining power and influence at Forrester Creations on The Bold and The Beautiful.
Major developments to expect on The Bold and The Beautiful from December 16 to 20
1) Power struggle intensifies
On The Bold and The Beautiful, Forrester Creations has recently been a hotbed of trouble. This week, fans will see Carter Walton's differing opinion on running the company clash alongside Ridge Forrester's. Carter's pushback created ripples as Hope Logan sided with him on his quest to take over the company.
This uproar causes Zende Forrester to walk out of Forrester Creations, causing a new set of logistical issues to come up.
Ridge's desperate efforts to take back control over the company are shown to affect Brooke Logan. On the one hand, Brooke is stuck handling the aftermath of Carter and Hope's decisions, but on the other, she is deeply affected by Ridge's aggressiveness.
2) Bill's unclear intentions
Luna Nozawa has been behind bars for a while on The Bold and The Beautiful. In the upcoming week's episodes, the plotline will show and explore Bill Spencer's real intentions behind visiting Luna in prison. She has been desperate to be able to get on the appeal list, and Bill's visit only adds to the speculation that he must have some underlying intentions.
Luna's relative Poppy Nozawa will also be shown visiting her which might further add to the speculation. He has always been a character who has unabashedly used people to his advantage. He might be shown using Luna's cry for help. Bill's character on The Bold and The Beautiful has always been one fishing for trouble, and this week's episodes will further that character arc.
3) Remy and Electra's encounter
Remy Forrester, who does not shy away from misusing his power, will be shown cornering Electra at Forrester Creations. Known for being a manipulative man, his actions to coerce Electra into blurring their lines of friendship further add to his character's villain arc. His improper behavior toward her causes Will to worry as he knows how quickly situations can escalate at Forrester Creations.
Remy's recent actions will also lead Deacon Sharpe to take control of things in the upcoming week's episodes. His behavior might cause things to fall apart at Forrester Creations, whereas things have already been unstable since Carter's sudden coup. The upcoming episodes of The Bold and The Beautiful promise drama, fights, and tensions rising in equal measure.
Fans and viewers can watch episodes of The Bold and The Beautiful on CBS and Paramount+.