CBS's The Bold and The Beautiful which first premiered on March 23, 1987, is set in Los Angeles and revolves around the Forrester, Logan, and Spencer families. The show has won many Daytime Emmy Awards for its captivating plots, including the prestigious Outstanding Drama Series. In the upcoming week from January 6, 2025, to January 10, 2025, The Bold and The Beautiful is all set to have major storylines developing.
The spoilers and teaser previews of Soap Opera News and Soap Hub revealed that Bill Spencer will be shown trying to be secretive and conceal Luna Nozawa from Electra while he meets with Electra and she thanks him and expresses her gratitude for his son Will Spencer for saving her from Remy Pryce. The administration at Forrester Creations will be shown being affected after Daphne joins the team to develop a new perfume scent while Steffy tries to regain control of the company.
Ridge Forrester will be shown reuniting with Taylor Hayes with a kiss while they both rekindle their past romantic endeavors. Brooke Logan will also be shown pledging to Ridge to give the company back to him, unaware of Steffy's schemes.
Note: the article is speculative and contains spoilers for the show.
3 major developments to expect on The Bold and The Beautiful from January 6, 2025, to January 10, 2025
1) Bill's secretive and covert actions
Bill Spencer's character on The Bold and The Beautiful in the upcoming episodes will be shown keeping Luna separate and hiding her from others in his life, especially Electra Forrester. While viewers are yet to find out about the reason behind him hiding her, Bill will be seen interacting with Electra for the first time.
Electra will be shown expressing her gratitude to him for his son Will Spencer. Bill's tendency to maintain secrets could potentially be shown affecting his relationships and engagements with both Luna and Electra.
2) Power struggle at Forrester Creations
A new face at Forrester Creations will be shown in the upcoming week on The Bold and The Beautiful. Daphne's introduction as a perfume maker will be revealed and she will be shown developing a signature scent for the perfume life of Forrester Creations. Meanwhile, it will be revealed to viewers that while Daphne's introduction would be shown to happen upon Carter's request, the real person behind this is Steffy Forrester.
Steffy Forrester will be shown making complex plots and schemes to regain the company's control back to the Forrester from the Logans and assert dominance in her role. She will be shown telling Eric, Ridge, and Taylor to remain silent and not involve themselves in her coup.
3) Ridge Forrester's rekindled romance with Taylor Hayes
In the upcoming week's episodes of The Bold and The Beautiful, Ridge Forrester will be shown sharing a passionate kiss with Taylor Hayes which would rekindle their former romance. While this development causes ripples in Los Angeles, Brooke Logan will be seen feeling betrayed and heartbroken by Ridge's decision to choose Taylor.
Brooke's character on The Bold and The Beautiful will be shown grappling with the emotional consequences of Ridge's new romance while handling her position as CEO at Forrester Creations. Hope Logan will be shown being supportive of her mother's endeavors during this difficult time.
Fans can watch The Bold and The Beautiful on CBS and also stream episodes on Paramount+.