CBS's The Bold and The Beautiful, which premiered first on March 23, 1987, is created by Lee and William Bell. The show is set in Los Angeles and revolves around the lives and rivalries of the Forrester, Logan, Spencer, and Carter families. The show has won 77 Daytime Emmy Awards, including the Outstanding Drama Series for its interesting storyline and character arcs.
The episodes in the upcoming week from January 13 to 17, 2025, will show Steffy Forrester returning to Forrester Creations, startling both Hope Logan and Carter Walton. Meanwhile, Luna Nozawa will entangle herself further into matters of the Spencer family. Viewers can also expect Li Finnegan's major confrontation with her sister, Poppy, regarding dark family secrets.
3 major developments to expect on The Bold and The Beautiful from January 13, 2025, to January 17, 2025
1) Steffy Forrester's dramatic return to Forrester Creations, ambushing Hope and Carter
In the upcoming episodes of The Bold and The Beautiful, Steffy Forrester will return to Forrester Creations in a position of power. The preview depicts Hope and Carter being taken by surprise with Steffy's unexpected re-entry.
Steffy will also potentially be shown as being at odds with Hope and Carter's ways of running the business. Hope's Hope For The Future line could also be jeopardized due to Steffy's return.
The plotline of the show suggests that Steffy's relationship with her spy within the company, Daphne Rose, will also progress. It is because during her absence, Steffy has managed to get all the vital company information from Daphne, who joined Forrester Creations to help the company create its signature scent. The upcoming episodes will shed more light on Steffy and her precarious relationship with Hope Logan.
2) Luna's deepening relationship with the Spencer family
In The Bold and The Beautiful, Luna Nozawa has recently received helped from Bill Spencer to get out of prison where she was incarcerated. Bill Spencer has maintained that his decision to help Luna is purely to help his family. Luna is also living under Bill's roof, following strict instructions and rules.
This week, the episodes will show Luna eavesdropping on important conversations among Spencer family members, which might help her find out more about their secrets. She is likely to charm her way into getting closer to Bill Spencer. Meanwhile, Bill might doubt Luna's intentions and become suspicious about whether she is truly grateful or she has ulterior motives.
3) Li Finnegan's heated confrontation with Poppy
In the next week on The Bold and The Beautiful, Li Finnegan is expected to confront her sister Poppy about their family secrets. Li might unravel that Poppy had an affair with her husband Jack Finnegan, which eventually led to the birth of Luna Nozawa. Apart from having an emotional argument with her sister, Li will question everything and everyone she trusts in her family.
Poppy might defend herself and tell Li that she kept that secret in order to protect everyone in their family. Meanwhile, John Finnegan will try to grapple with the fact that he is related to Luna Nozawa and she is his half-sister. The upcoming episodes of the show will further explore this storyline.
Fans can watch The Bold and The Beautiful on CBS and stream episodes on Paramount+.