CBS's The Bold and The Beautiful first aired on March 23, 1987, and captivated fans with their engaging storylines and dramatic plots. The show was created by Lee and William Bell and is set in Los Angeles. The plot mainly focuses on the happenings of the Forrester, Logan, Chancellor, and Spencer families. The show has won 77 Daytime Emmy Awards in total, including 3 prestigious Outstanding Drama Series.
Disclaimer: This article includes spoilers for The Bold and The Beautiful.
Media outlet What to Watch's preview for the January 6 to January 10, 2025, episodes of The Bold and The Beautiful shows that the plot will thicken and storylines will have dramatic moments. Electra will be shown being extremely grateful to Will for saving her life and thanks Bill for his son's actions, while Luna Nozawa will be shown scheming and plotting about how to get close to Will.
A new face at Forrester Creations called Daphne will be arriving to help the fashion brand create a new scent. At the same time, the media outlet Soaps She Knows' preview for the show suggests that Forrester Creations will go through a major power shift, with Brooke planning to hand the company over to Ridge while Steffy plans ways to assert dominance.
The Bold and The Beautiful: Electra shows gratitude for Will while Luna plans her mysterious schemes, and a newcomer comes to the Forrester Creations
Recently, on The Bold and The Beautiful, Electra was shown being saved from Remy Pryce, her erstwhile friend and long-time stalker, by Will Spencer. Her gratitude towards him is shown to be expressed in an intimate manner, with the preview suggesting that Electra and Will will become partners.
The preview shows that Electra will also extend her thanks to Bill Spencer for his son's good deeds. Meanwhile, Luna Nozawa, a manipulative character on The Bold and The Beautiful, will be hiding at Bill's house secretly observing Will and Electra.
Luna's intentions do not look good, as she will be seen trying to find ways to get Will in her grasp. Whether it is for a potential romantic alliance or one of her sinister plans, the show's upcoming episodes will delve deeper into this plotline.
Daphne, a newcomer at Forrester Creations, will work for the company to create a scent. The preview suggests that while she is there seemingly at Carter's request, it is actually Steffy Forrester who is behind this. The storyline indicates that Steffy's intentions behind getting Daphne was to help with her personal agendas against Carter and Hope.
The preview tells viewers that Steffy's character on The Bold and The Beautiful will be shown trying to negatively influence Ridge and Eric regarding Brooke Logan's intentions regarding the company. Brooke, who had promised Ridge that she would eventually hand over Forrester Creations to him, will be seen pledging that she plans to do the same in the near future.
Brooke, who recently became the CEO of the company after Hope and Carter's coup against the Forresters, will try to convince Ridge that her intentions were never to harm him or his family. While Steffy will continue his tactics to gain traction with Ridge and Eric, she will also manipulate Daphne into being her spy at the company.
Fans can watch episodes of The Bold and The Beautiful on CBS and stream episodes on Paramount+.