The Bold and the Beautiful is a CBS soap opera that has been running since 1987. The show is set in Los Angeles, California, and mainly revolves around the Forrester family who owns a haute couture business Forrester Creations.
In last week's episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful, viewers saw several dramatic confrontations, heartbreaks, and even death. Hope was seen getting into an argument with Paris, who warned her to stay away from Thomas. On one hand, Paris planned her wedding with Thomas, while the latter proposed to Hope and she was seen struggling again to give him an answer.
Poppy also felt that Katie could become a problem in her and Bill’s relationship. The episodes also saw Tom visit Poppy at the Spencer house, which left many questions unanswered. Fans now hope to get more clarity in the episodes set to release from July 8, 2024, to July 12, 2024.
In the new episodes, Paris will be seen planning her wedding with Thomas, unaware of what’s happening between Hope and him. Steffy and Finn’s relationship will also develop as the show moves forward. Things will get more complicated at the Spencer house as Tom’s backpack is found.
The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers for episodes set to air from July 8 to 12, 2024
Monday, July 8: The love triangle
While Paris is planning her wedding with Thomas, viewers learn that his proposal to Hope is not sincere. Hope is confused about what she should do now as she also has feelings for Thomas but is struggling to accept the proposal.
Paris and Steffy had earlier given Hope a warning to stay away from Thomas, which could be another problem that she faces. These complex decisions and relationships at Forrester Creations bring more drama for viewers in the upcoming episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful.
Tuesday, July 9: Family bonds and emotional support
The connections within the Forrester family strengthen as Steffy, Thomas, Paris, and Douglas have an emotional moment as a family. Finn, on the other hand, tries to help Hope navigate her complex relationship with Thomas.
This episode of The Bold and the Beautiful deals with challenges within the family and romantic relationships.
Wednesday, July 10: Brooke’s advice and Steffy’s love
As Hope is struggling with her feelings for Thomas, Brooke advises her to listen to her heart and do what she feels is right. Things get serious between Steffy and Finn as they share a kiss.
This midweek episode of The Bold and the Beautiful marks a turning point for many relationships in the Forrester family.
Thursday, July 11: The truth unravels at the Spencer house
Poppy and Luna enjoy their time at the Spencer house but this enjoyment does not last long. In last week’s episode of The Bold and the Beautiful, Tom’s unexpected visit to Poppy made Luna question the latter's changed behavior.
This week, things get more serious as Tom’s backpack is found in a closet at Il Giardino. From finding his bag to figuring out the reason behind his death, this episode leads to the discovery of secrets from Poppy and Tom’s past.
Friday, July 12: Secrets, surprises, and shocks
Jack and Li withhold details about Tom’s concert from Finn. The items found in Tom’s backpack include a clue that could help to solve the mystery behind his murder.
Meanwhile, at the Spencer house in The Bold and the Beautiful, Bill gives Luna a present, which may make the relationships in the family even more complicated.
Fans can watch The Bold and the Beautiful on CBS, Paramount Plus, and YouTube TV.