On May 6, 2024, Eric Braeden, renowned for his role on The Young and the Restless, spoke on X to shed light on a report broadcast on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” This feature showcased the story of two high school students, Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson, from New Orleans who achieved a significant milestone in mathematics.
Expressing clear excitement, Braeden shared on X about the episode, praising the students’ remarkable achievements and expressing gratitude to CBS for highlighting such motivating content.
The story resonated not just with The Young and the Restless fans of Braeden but also engaged a broader audience.
Through his tweet, Braeden drew attention to the intelligence and creativity demonstrated by these young scholars, underscoring the value of good education and effective teaching.
After Eric Braeden tweeted, many people reacted very positively. A lot of them agreed with his praise for the story, leading to an energetic conversation about why education is important.
One X user commented, "They used Trigonometry, yes? This is what happens when people don't know they cannot solve something. They solve it!"
To this, Braeden responded,
"Well, math has always been a mystery to me because I couldn’t stand the teachers! It’s all in the teaching! That’s why I have always been in support of good teachers who should get paid much more!!" - sharing his experience candidly.
Expanding on the discussion, another fan added their perspective to The Young and the Restless actor's post by saying:
"What also impressed me was the 100% graduation success with ALL students going to college. Amazing, and this school should be a model!"
In response to The Young and the Restless fan's comment, Braeden replied:
Eric Braeden from The Young and the Restless praises CBS story on high school prodigies
The Pythagorean Theorem states that in a triangle with one 90-degree angle, the longest side squared is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. This rule is famous in math. For a long time, people thought it was almost impossible to prove this using trigonometry.
In 2009, a mathematician Jason Zimba successfully figured it out. More recently, two students, Calcea Johnson and Ne'Kiya Jackson, from St. Mary's achieved the same feat. They began to work on this tough problem when their math teacher, Michelle Blouin Williams, encouraged them to think differently. They kept at it for many months, made lots of mistakes, and threw away lots of paper with wrong answers on them—until, at last, they found the correct solution.
This amazing story gained widespread attention when it was featured on “60 Minutes” and received praise from acclaimed actor Eric Braeden. People worldwide noticed what Johnson and Jackson did. They were honored with numerous awards, received a special note from the governor, and were even granted keys to the city of New Orleans.
Additionally, they were invited to speak at a huge math conference, which is very special for high school students. Michelle Obama, the former First Lady, and many news outlets worldwide also celebrated their success.
The CBS story shared by Eric Braeden from The Young and the Restless is about two high school students from New Orleans who solved a longstanding math problem. Now, both Johnson and Jackson are in college studying subjects that are not exactly math, but they still keep up with their interest in mathematics.