The Young and the Restless is a long-running daytime television show set in the fictional town of Genoa City, focusing on the lives of rich families like the Abbotts and Newmans. In the new episode, which aired on July 2, 2024, Diane Jenkins confronted Victor Newman about his secret plans against Jack Abbott.
The tension in this episode of The Young and the Restless escalates as soon as Diane realizes the depth of Victor’s plans. As the latter joins her and Michael, she straight up asks Victor,
“What are you up to?”
Diane discovered that Kyle Abbott’s sudden departure from Jabot could be a strategic and planned move by Victor to support his larger plans. As her doubts grow, Diane becomes more determined to protect her family, which leads to a dramatic showdown at the Abbott mansion. Jack Abbott gets caught in the middle and has to deal with the tricky issues of trust and lies.
The Young and the Restless recap
Nikki and Jack's heartfelt conversation
At the Club in The Young and the Restless, Nikki Newman and Jack Abbott engage in an open discussion about all that has transpired. Nikki mentions that Jack hasn't been calling, and he jokes back,
“Ringer on my phone works.”
Nikki says she feels strong, but Jack worries about her not having a new sponsor. She tells him she hasn’t found a replacement for him yet, but she’s sure about her outpatient care and wants to go back to Newman Media, even though Victor doesn’t agree. Jack understands and hopes Victor will change his mind.
Diane confronts Victor
Meanwhile, at the Crimson Lights in The Young and the Restless, Diane meets Michael Baldwin and tells him about firing Kyle.
“I fired Kyle from Jabot this morning,” she said
She told him that even though Jack was not happy with this decision, she was left with no other choice. But Michael has something else going on in his mind, as he said,
“You think Kyle is going to work for Victor Newman?”
Daine questions Michael about how it is going to benefit Victor, but Michael has no specific answer, which makes her snap at him, saying that he is just trying to get information from her for Victor.
But Michael keeps on digging and makes her realize that Victor has nothing to do with her, but he has a grudge against Jack. Michael also told Diane that Victor had asked Cole to be close to Kyle. All of this led Diane to think that Victor might be using Kyle against Jack.
Victoria and Cole's Concerns
At the tack house in The Young and the Restless, Victoria Newman and Cole Howard talk about their concerns regarding their daughter, Claire, who is having dinner with Kyle. Victoria is afraid that Claire might get involved in the problems between Kyle and Summer. But Cole tells her to let Claire decide for herself and not to worry too much.
They both decided that, though they have to keep Claire safe from getting into any heartbreak or trouble again, they will support her without indulging in her new bonds.
Kyle and Audra's meeting with Victor
In the episodes from last week on The Young and the Restless, viewers saw that Kyle was considering the new position at the Glissade but on the condition that he would not work with Audra, but now the situation seems to have changed.
Kyle and Audra meet Victor at the park, and he is happy that they have settled their issues and are working together. Victor insists to Kyle and Audra that he wants to remain a secret investor in the Glissade, which raises Kyle’s suspicion over Victor.
Audra seems to trust Victor blindly and asks Kyle to be respectful to his benefactor, but Kyle has decided to find out the real motive behind Victor’s moves, which might be against his dad Jack.
Kyle and Claire's discussion
At Society in The Young and the Restless, Kyle talks to Claire about his rough day. He tells her that Summer is upset about their custody plan and his latest business decision with Audra Charles.
Claire tells him that getting back at someone is never a good idea. Even though he's facing difficulties, Kyle is hopeful about his new business and asks Claire to join him in celebrating.
The new episodes of The Young and the Restless are available to watch on CBS.