The Young and the Restless is an American soap opera that premiered on March 26, 1973. Set in Genoa City, it began as a half-hour show and expanded to an hour in 1980. Two of the most prominent characters on the show are Michael Baldwin and Sharon Newman, played by Christian LeBlanc and Sharon Case, respectively.
The former character is the son of River Baldwin and Gloria Abbott Bardwell, whereas Sharon Newman, originally Sharon Collins, is the daughter of Doris Collins.
As per the current storyline, Michael represents Sharon in a case where she is accused of framing Daniel for a crime he did not commit. Phyllis is astonished, especially because Sharon unjustly accused her son and caused her harm. Michael explains his acts by emphasizing his obligation as a lawyer.
Additional details about Michael being Sharon’s lawyer
Tension has grown between Michael Baldwin and Phyllis Newman as a result of his decision to represent Sharon Newman on The Young and the Restless. Sharon attempted to murder Phyllis and was involved in framing her son, Daniel. This is primarily why Phyllis is upset. Considering what Sharon has done to her family, Phyllis sees Michael's decision as a betrayal.
Michael believes it is his job to take on cases and that it is his ethical obligation as a lawyer to safeguard his clients regardless of his opinions. But Phyllis finds this difficult to accept. She feels Michael had the choice of declining cases and that given Sharon's history, he should not have represented her.
Michael used to be Phyllis' close friend, so she is particularly outraged. She argues that before taking her case, he should have considered how she felt and the agony Sharon caused. Michael has previously dismissed cases deemed too personal, so his judgment here appears unstable.
This subplot casts doubt on Michael's devotion to Phyllis, and his decision has enraged many close to him. Supporters are left wondering if Michael made the right decision and whether his professional obligations should take precedence over his personal relationships.
Overview of Michael’s and Sharon’s characters on The Young and the Restless
Michael Baldwin, a talented lawyer on The Young and the Restless, is portrayed by Christian LeBlanc. The character made his debut in 1991 and is well-known for his collaborations with Victor Newman. River Baldwin and Gloria Abbott Bardwell are the parents of Michael, who was born on April 15, 1965. Eden Baldwin is his half-sister, and Kevin Fisher is his half-brother.
Michael has had several prominent partnerships throughout his life, including marriages to Hilary Lancaster and Lauren Fenmore, with whom he had a son, Fenmore Baldwin. Michael is noted for his legal acumen, loyalty, and quick wit.
Sharon Newman, a major character on The Young and the Restless played by Sharon Case, was born in Madison, Wisconsin. She had a rough life, marked by her mother's accident and giving up her daughter, Cassie, for adoption. Sharon Newman eventually reconnected with Cassie.
In 1996, she married Nicholas Newman, who came from an affluent family, but Sharon's background was more modest. Before establishing Crimson Lights, she was a spokesmodel for Jabot Cosmetics and Newman Enterprises.
Fans can stream The Young and the Restless on Paramount Plus.