CBS's The Young and The Restless was first premiered on American television on March 26, 1973. The show, which was created by Lee and William Bell, is set in Genoa City, Wisconsin. The soap mainly focuses on the lives and events of the members of the Newman, Abbott, Chancellor, and Winters families.
Disclaimer: This article includes spoilers for The Young and the Restless and might have elements that are speculative in nature. Reader discretion is advised.
The upcoming week's episodes of The Young and The Restless, from January 21 to January 24, 2025, will shed further light on many existing storylines. It will show Sharon Newman trying to escape after being held captive by Ian and Jordan. Viewers will see Victor Newman trying to make sure to protect his family members from the looming threat of Ian and Jordan. He will also try to lay a trap to get them captured while Claire Newman will be shown plotting against Jordan.
3 major developments to expect on The Young and The Restless from January 21, 2025, to January 24, 2025
1) Sharon Newman's escape and her tragic situation
Recently, on The Young and The Restless, Sharon Newman was shown being abducted by Jordan and held captive in the tunnels. Ian Wise was the mastermind behind this, and his original plan was to get Jordan to kill Sharon and then blame it on Phyllis Summers. In the upcoming week's episodes, Sharon Newman will be shown trying to escape from her captivity.
Sharon will finally be shown freeing herself from the pipes to which she was shackled. She will try to escape separately but will collapse after she drinks water contaminated with PCP. Nick Newman and Chance Chancellor will try to figure out where Jordan and Ian had kept Sharon hidden. While on their mission to investigate, they will also be shown finding out crucial details regarding Ian's personal life, including his potential new partner.
2) Victor's plans to safeguard his family from Ian and Jordan's schemes
In the upcoming episodes of The Young and The Restless, Victor Newman will be shown walking in on Claire, Victoria, and Nikki secretly talking about Jordan. He will grow suspicious regarding what they are speaking about as he does not overhear the topic of the conversation. His suspicions will also cause him to be skeptical of Nikki's involvement.
Victor Newman will also be shown laying a trap and trying to make Jordan Howard fall for it so that he could have her captured in a bid to protect his family members. Victor's goal had been to eliminate Ian and Jordan's threats, and the upcoming episodes will shed further light on whether his attempts at trying to safeguard his family will fail or succeed.
3) Claire Newman's plot to get rid of Jordan Howard
In previous episodes of The Young and The Restless, Claire tried to gain Jordan's trust by telling her that she had been unhappy living with the Newmans. Her ulterior motive all along had been to get rid of Jordan, and she shared her plan with Victoria and Nikki.
In the upcoming episodes, Claire will be shown putting her plan to kill Jordan into motion, but viewers are yet to see whether Jordan finds out about Claire's betrayal or not. She will be shown trying her best to make sure Jordan does not lose her trust in her.
Interested viewers can watch The Young and The Restless on CBS and stream episodes on Paramount+.