CBS' The Young and The Restless is one of America's longest-running soap operas. The soap, which started airing in 1973, is set in the fictional city of Genoa City, Wisconsin. It features four main families—the Newmans, the Abbotts, the Chancellor, and the Winters—who are the residents of Genoa. These families are constantly involved with each other, either through business collaborations or romantic relationships.
The January 23, 2025, episode of The Young and The Restless highlighted Sharon Newman finally escaping from the tunnels after being drugged by Ian and Jordan. Jordan Howard was shown conversing with the Newman family and feeling cornered, while Ian Ward tried to negotiate with Tessa.
Everything that happened on the January 23, 2025, episode of The Young and The Restless
In the January 23, 2025, episode of The Young and The Restless, Sharon mustered up the willpower and courage to drag herself out of the tunnel where she was shackled by Jordan and Ian, despite feeling groggy due to drinking water that was contaminated with PCP.
Sharon had a dream-like hallucination of Nick Newman, who continuously urged her to try harder to help herself and find a way out. Even though she was entirely drained of energy, she felt a sudden surge of power to try again.
Sharon dragged herself onto a park bench and collapsed right after Mariah Copeland miraculously stumbled onto her mother lying on the bench and she hugged Mariah in relief. Meanwhile, Mariah immediately called Nick Newman to let him know that Sharon was finally out of danger and was able to free herself.
Nick Newman let the entire Newman family know that Sharon was back while the Newmans at their ranch were confronting Jordan Howard about her misdeeds and actions. Victor Newman, along with Nikki, Victoria, Claire, and Nick were seen questioning Jordan.
Immediately after Nick relayed the Sharon news to everyone, Jordan was cornered and lost the only card that she could have played to prove her innocence. She tried to switch sides instantly and tried to side with the Newmans. She offered to reveal important details regarding Ian Ward's plans and also get him arrested for good.
Victor Newman sternly objected and exclaimed that they did not require Jordan's help for anything, let alone capturing Ian. Jordan was shown feeling helpless and drank a cup of tea that was potentially poisoned.
At Society on The Young and The Restless, Ian Ward approached Tessa Porter to try to manipulate her again. He told her that he needed her to help him reunite with Mariah Copeland and regain her trust. While Tessa was convinced by his tactics, Mariah Copeland's arrival on the scene shifted the tension.
Mariah felt lost as to why Tess, despite knowing Ian's history, chose to believe him and fall for her lies again. Mariah felt hurt by Tessa's misjudged actions and felt like she trusted Ian over her and was on his side. Mariah was shown sternly telling Ian to stay away from her loved ones and from Genoa City on The Young and The Restless.
Fans and interested viewers can watch The Young and The Restless on CBS and stream episodes on Paramount+.