CBS' The Young and The Restless first aired in 1973 and is one of American TV's longest-running scripted soap operas. Created by William and Lee Bell, the show is set in Genoa City, Wisconsin, and follows the Abbott, Winter, Newman, and Chancellor families.
The December 27 and 28, 2024, spoilers for The Young and The Restless showed how Ian manipulates Jordan into returning to their villainous alliance. Jordan and Ian's collaborations have always targeted the residents of Genoa City and caused harm to others.
Ian capitalizes on Jordan's insecurities to get what he wants. The spoilers suggest his recent plan involves kidnapping Faith Newman to try to get back at Sharon and Nick, against whom he holds grudges.
In upcoming episodes, he will be shown trying to rope Jordan into his plans by manipulating her.
The spoilers hinted that Jordan was initially apprehensive about joining in on Ian's plan to kidnap someone who hadn't done anything wrong to either of them. However, Ian managed to manipulate her into helping him with the kidnapping.
The upcoming episodes of The Young and The Restless are expected to shed light on how they plan to abduct Faith Newman.
Jordan and Ian's history on The Young and The Restless
Ian Ward has always been a manipulative and sinister person who seeks revenge and vengeance whenever he can. He was a former cult leader and an expert at planning coups. Meanwhile, Jordan's grudges against the Newman family, especially against Sharon, make her a good fit for Ian's plans.
Ian and Jordan's suspicious meetings suggested that they were up to something. In the past as well, their plans have mostly been targeted against the members of the Newman family, especially Victor and Nikki Newman.
Their recent planning suggests that Faith's abduction could cause many potentially dangerous consequences for the rest of the Newman family as well.
Recent storylines on The Young and The Restless
Recent plotlines on The Young and The Restless showed Victor Newman trying hard to ensure that his empire and legacy were passed onto his family's next generation. Meanwhile, Nick and Sharon have been trying to figure out what their relationship means as they try to co-parent.
Billy Abbott is seen struggling with his addictions and the emotional turmoil caused by his relationships. He is trying to find stability and recover from his past traumas. Meanwhile, Jack Abbott tries to consolidate the Jabot Cosmetics empire while he is still the reigning CEO.
Devon and Amanda struggle to keep their relationship afloat as they both find out secrets about each other's pasts which causes tensions. Jill and Lily try to find ways to extend their business ventures at Chancellor Industries.
Fans can watch the show on CBS and stream episodes on Paramount+.