The Young and the Restless character Cane Ashby was portrayed by Daniel Goddard. He debuted on the show on January 12, 2007, and had arrived in Genoa City as a bartender who is in search of his relatives and suspected himself to be Jill Abbott's lost son, Phillip Chancellor III.
Cane Ashby went through a lot of life-threatening plots and love-interest disruption. He last appeared on the show on November 28, 2019.
In 2011, Cane was shot dead in front of a church. However, it was later revealed that he was alive, and the one who died was his twin brother. Cane and Lily went through ups and downs in their relationship. Thereafter, Cane discovered that he was the beneficiary of Katherine Chancellor’s will.
Devon promised to give up the fortune, but Jill tracked down Colin, and he revealed that the will had been forged. He informed her that the idea was Cane's and tried to escape but was arrested. Cane promised Devon to return all the fortune to its rightful owner and left Genoa City in search of redemption.
According to Soaps, after a few years, Devon received the money with a cryptic post.
Cane is still part of The Young and the Restless but has not appeared back in the city for years and is reportedly traveling the world.
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Cane's story arc on The Young and the Restless
As mentioned before, Cane Ashby, played by Daniel Goddard, was introduced in The Young and the Restless as a bartender with amnesia in search of his relatives. He arrived in Genoa City in search of Marick International, an organization owned by Jill Abbott, whom he suspected to be his father.
Cane fell into the hands of Amber Moore, who tricked him into marrying her in Las Vegas. However, it was later confirmed that he was Jill’s son, and he took up residence in the Chancellor's mansion. Cane later hooked up with Lily Winters, and even though she had a miscarriage, the couple got engaged.
Furthermore, in the series of events, Cane’s life changed for the worse when Chloe Mitchell accused him of being her baby daddy. When Cane ended up marrying Chloe, he found out the truth and got back together with Lily, and they eventually married.
Their marriage again came under a serious test when Lily discovered that Cane was not the biological son of Jill but an imposter hired by Phillip. Nevertheless, Cane stood by her during her fight against ovarian cancer, and the couple had twins via surrogacy.
As the days went by, Cane’s past returned to haunt him, and he was threatened by a crime family, thus leading to his death in 2011. However, Lily started visioning Cane, but to her utter surprise, it was not a vision; he was alive, and the man shot was Caleb, Cane’s twin brother. After preventing his father Colin from perpetrating a criminal act, Cane and Lily got back together and renewed their wedding vows in 2012.
Joyner’s life remained full of incidents, such as a scandal connected with sexual harassment, the death of Juliet Helton during childbirth, or the imprisonment of Lily for a car accident.
Things took a turn for the worse when he was informed that he was the beneficiary of Katherine Chancellor’s will. However, the will was proven to have been fake, and the mastermind behind the fake will was Colin who blamed him as the mastermind, hence leaving Cane to go in search of redemption in 2019.
Fans can watch all-new episodes of The Young and the Restless on CBS.