CBS' The Young and The Restless, which premiered in 1973, is set in Genoa City, Wisconsin, focusing on the Newman, Abbott, Chancellor, and Winter families. Gloria Abbott, played by Judith Chapman, joined the show in 2005 as John Abbott's wife.
John, the founder of Jabot Cosmetics, faced opposition from his children, Ashley and Jack, who doubted Gloria's intentions, suspecting her of marrying for money. The show also revealed Gloria's two sons, Kevin and Michael, from previous relationships.
Gloria, right from the start had wanted to exponentially expand her holding over the family company and did not want John's children to gain control. When John had been imprisoned for the murder of Tom Fisher, she had attempted to keep the business under her control but failed.
Gloria Abbott's journey on The Young and The Restless
Gloria, who by nature was a manipulative character on The Young and The Restless, planned a notorious scheme to tamper with a face cream called GloAgain that Jabot Cosmetics was supposed to release and then subsequently pin the blame on Jack and Ashley. Her conspiracy was eventually revealed which led her to be ousted.
John Abbott's character on The Young and The Restless had died after facing multiple strokes and Gloria had re-married, engaging in a relationship with Jeffrey. The couple co-owned a club called Gloworm in Genoa City. Her relationship with Jeffrey was fraught with tensions and plot twists. The couple eventually filed for divorce when they had a dramatic fight over finances.
In November 2023, Gloria's character on The Young and The Restless resurfaced when her son Michael Baldwin had to secure her release from a Singaporean prison. After that, she was again seen in December 2023 and January 2024, when she was involved in the celebrations of Michael and Lauren renewing their vows. While she has not appeared on the show since then, her character still lives in Genoa City.
Recent plotlines on The Young and The Restless
Recent storylines on The Young and The Restless showed Phyllis Summers returning after staging her own death. She revealed that she was alive to Summer Newman after she had stabbed Jeremy Stark in self-defense. Sharon Newman was shown resorting to hypnosis to try to recover her repressed memories which has helped her uncover the truth behind Heather's murder.
Ian and Jordan's scheme caused the residents of Genoa City to be cautious about falling prey to their criminal activities while Victor Newman was shown offering Cole a job, though his motives were not clear yet. Chance Chancellor was shown re-opening an important criminal case, trying to investigate the happenings at Genoa City while also balancing his budding relationship with Summer Newman.
Fans and viewers can watch episodes of the show on CBS and also stream episodes on Paramount+.