The Young and the Restless premiered on March 26, 1973, on the CBS network. The show has witnessed entries and exits of various actors, actresses, and characters. Similarly, Hunter King, who portrayed Summer Newman from 2012, exited the show in 2022. Allison Lanier stepped into the role the same year, soon after King's exit.
On August 20, 2021, in an interview with Soap Opera Digest's podcast Dishing with Digest, Hunter revealed the reason for her exit:
“I just feel like I'm in a stage of growth in my life in many ways and, at this point in time, I feel I have done a lot of growing on the show, and now I feel it's time for me to grow in other ways and put myself in uncomfortable situations,”
Summer is the daughter of Phyllis Summers and Nick Newman and was born into one of Genoa City's most powerful families. Summer has experienced significant character development over the years, featuring storylines centered on family loyalty, romance, and corporate intrigue.
Recently, Summer left Genoa City as her life fell apart. The ongoing tension between her mother, Phyllis, and her rival, Diane, who is also Kyle's mother, continued to be relentless.
No official statement regarding the character's exit has been released by the actor or the makers of the show.
Summer Newman's latest story arc on The Young and the Restless
On The Young and the Restless, Summer's marriage to Kyle Abbott had been a big part of her storyline. However, what was once a strong relationship fell apart due to Kyle's affair with Audra Charles.
Kyle's infidelity caused tension between Summer and him. Overcoming struggles, their relationship reached a breaking point. His affair had all sorts of repercussions, leaving Summer with a broken heart and questions regarding their future together.
Summer was still dealing with her mother Phyllis, who faked her death in order to plot against her enemy Diane Jenkins, who also happens to be Kyle's mother. The consequences of this scheme ended up affecting everyone involved.
The character was torn between her mom getting hurt and her relationship with Kyle, who himself was torn between his wife and his mother. The legal and emotional fallout from Phyllis' actions further put an edge on Summer dealing with the troubled web of family matters.
By August 2023, the weight was too much, and Summer stepped away from her life in Genoa City. Her marriage could not be salvaged, family drama was never fixed, and she was leaving town for some clarity and healing time.
It was showcased as a temporary retreat and not a closure to the character. It could also be seen as an opportunity for her to return later and open other doors for Summer Newman.
Who played Summer on The Young and the Restless?
Summer Newman has been played by many actresses on The Young and the Restless. As a little girl, early child actors portrayed the character, including Carly Kott and Hannah G. Smith.
By 2012, the character had grown up, and Hunter King joined the cast as Summer. She became the face of the character until her termination in 2021. In the following year, Summer's role was recast with Allison Lanier.
Each of these actresses has contributed to building Summer, working her way through the relationships and personal growth involved in the dynamics of the powerful families of Genoa City.
Interested viewers can watch The Young and the Restless on CBS.