Days of Our Lives is a long-running soap opera that premiered in 1965 and centers on the lives, loves, and dramas of several families within the fictional town of Salem. The show has been known for its captivating storylines and complex character arcs, focussing on two well-known families, the Hortons and the Bradys.
Since 2013, actor Casey Moss has played JJ Deveraux, who has been a vital part of the show. In the episode aired on October 17, 2024, JJ returned to Salem to officiate Chad and Abigail's wedding.
Being Jack Deveraux and Jennifer Horton's son, JJ has been part of some disturbing storylines. He has been involved in selling drugs and endured heartbreak, along with devastating family losses. Persistent themes in his story include sorrow and the journey to recovery.
The death of his girlfriend, Haley Chen, was a turning point in his life, which brought him to his knees. After the tragic death of his grandfather, Bill Horton, JJ became overwhelmed with grief. Ultimately, JJ decided to leave Salem to process his grief and find a sense of peace and purpose, marking the end of his run on the series.
Why did JJ return to Salem in 2013, and how did he impact his family on Days of Our Lives?
JJ Deveraux returned to Salem in 2013 after being expelled from boarding school. He arrived armed with a lousy attitude and was good at making waves on Days of Our Lives. JJ was expelled from school and sent back home after it was revealed that he knew his roommate was selling drugs, which ultimately sealed his fate and forced him to return to Salem.
Jennifer Horton, a beloved character on Days of Our Lives, is the daughter of Laura and Bill Horton and a member of the core Horton family.
After JJ's rebellious behavior escalated, Jennifer tried to steer him in the right direction by enrolling him in summer school, hoping to set him back on a more positive path. But even that proved to be a losing proposition when, within hours of arriving, JJ ran afoul of his mother's boyfriend, Dr. Daniel Jonas. JJ's malice took the form of vandalism, from keying Daniel's car to stealing medications from the hospital, which made it tougher on Jennifer with Daniel.
JJ's sense of recklessness intensified because he was already struggling with anger and rebellion. He witnessed his friend Theresa Donovan's overdose push him further into dangerous behavior. But as JJ got to know Daniel as a genuinely good person, JJ vowed to reform himself, amend his wrongs, and thereby change his life.
His transformation, however, showed a more responsible side, especially when he started dating Paige Larson. The tough times for JJ's relationship with the family, however, continued because his earlier acts had already sown deep-rooted tension.
How did JJ’s romance with Paige Larson and affair with Eve Donovan affect his life on Days of Our Lives?
It seemed like JJ had finally found someone to bring excitement to his dull life on Days of Our Lives through his relationship with Paige Larson. Their romance started in 2014, and Paige stabilized JJ's life, but the affair between JJ and Eve Donovan, Paige's mother, turned that into something dark.
JJ's relationship with Paige Larson took a devastating turn when she discovered that he had been having an affair with her mother, Eve. She found out about the affair on her birthday, which eventually created a gap between her and her mother, besides loneliness and revenge against JJ.
JJ started working with DEA in the middle of 2015 and found out that Kyle Southern, who was dating Paige, was a dealer. While investigating, he led JJ to his crime boss Clyde Weston. This event dealt a heavy blow to JJ when Paige was murdered by Clyde as found out about the DEA connections.
Paige's death shattered JJ completely, He believed that Clyde Weston was behind the murder and sent him to jail. The grief was intense with JJ due to the affair he had with Eve and was also unable to protect Paige.
This led JJ to a crossroads, in which he became even more invested in law enforcement and ended up working for the DEA. Though the struggles were not stopped by this, Paige's memory influenced the choices and relationships JJ pursued as he sought redemption.
How did JJ’s career choices and personal struggles shape his Life in Salem on Days of Our Lives?
After the death of Paige Larson, JJ's career shifted towards law enforcement since he began working with the DEA on Days of Our Lives. He mostly played an undercover agent, which put him in countless dangerous situations, mainly when he was investigating Kyle Southern's drug operation and eventually connected it back to Clyde Weston.
The experience with law enforcement was a period that gave JJ a kind of purpose, but the lives of people close to him were in danger, too. After some time, he realized that it was not for him but rather to let him join emergency medical services as a contribution to society without constantly risking his life. JJ's struggles reached a climax when Theo Carver, was shot mistakenly, and he bore the heavy weight of guilt, which engulfed him to the point of attempting to take his life.
The incident put unbearable tension on his relationships, especially with Lani Price, sister to Theo Carver. JJ faced charges after shooting Theo Carver in a tragic case of mistaken identity while on duty as a police officer. Though the charges were eventually dropped, the emotional toll from the incident lingered, leaving JJ struggling with guilt and inner turmoil. Throughout the years, JJ learns to cope with his pain by helping people, particularly when he saves Haley Chen from deportation.
His leaving Salem upon his grandfather's death signaled a time for self-reflection and healing, though his recent return in 2024 for Chad and Abigail's wedding might tell that JJ is still far from over.
Interested viewers can watch the episodes of Days of Our Lives on Peacock every weekday.
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