General Hospital is one of the few long-running soap operas; it started in 1963. The soap follows the lives of people living in the fictional town of Port Charles, where the drama unfolds in hospitals, families, and even the mob. Over the years, the show gained a huge fanbase due to its exciting mix of medical emergencies, love stories, and some fast-paced crime plots.
One of the show's characters, Jordan Ashford, is fiery, passionate, and dedicated; she has been a part of General Hospital since 2014. The role was first introduced by Vinessa Antoine, then taken over by Briana Nicole Henry in 2018, and finally taken over by Tanisha Harper in 2022. Jordan is a force to be reckoned with in Port Charles; her career as a police officer is intertwined with the complexity of her personal life.
Jordan's history is full of action and drama. She came to Port Charles to be reunited with her son, TJ, but it was soon learned that she works undercover for the DEA. From mob wars to police work to tricky family secrets, she's been in one dangerous situation after another.
But the biggest moment in her life that affected her was when she had to tell TJ that Shawn Butler was his real father, which certainly lit some serious tension between them. Nevertheless, Jordan remains a fighter and tries to defend her family and seek justice for them.
What major challenges has Jordan faced in Port Charles on General Hospital?
Jordan did not come to Port Charles for a quiet reconnection with her son, TJ Ashford, on General Hospital. In fact, TJ was completely unaware of his mother's undercover work with the DEA, as she had no intention of revealing that aspect of her background to her son. Indeed, TJ was shocked to see his mother now involved with the Jerome crime family.
Unbeknownst to TJ and indeed almost everyone in Port Charles, Jordan was working behind the scenes to dismantle the Jerome operation. It often brought her on the wrong side of the people closest to her, particularly when she decided to share with TJ that Shawn Butler, not her late husband, was his biological father.
It managed to strain the relationship between Jordan and her son for many years because of it. Besides all these family problems, Jordan's work life has also been marked by danger. She fought with mob bosses, uncovered serial killers, and even faked her own death to make sure that the family members were safe.
Jordan's dedication to work almost cost her life when the result of an automobile accident made her need a kidney transplant. Even in her hospital bed, Jordan couldn't stop helping bring justice to Port Charles by being true to her call as police commissioner.
How have Jordan's relationships shaped her storyline in General Hospital?
Jordan's romantic life has been just as complex as her professional one on General Hospital. She shared a close connection with Curtis Ashford, a former DEA partner who came to Port Charles and quickly rekindled his bond with her. Despite their shared past, their relationship was rocky due to secrets and unresolved tensions.
Jordan's undercover work, as well as her involvement in faking Marcus Taggert's death, caused major trust issues in her marriage to Curtis, eventually leading to their divorce. Even though Curtis later married Portia Robinson, it was clear that Jordan and Curtis’s feelings for each other were never fully resolved.
Jordan’s interactions with other characters, such as her one-night stand with Zeke Robinson, Portia’s brother, added even more drama to her already complicated life. Though Jordan stepped down as police commissioner and became the deputy mayor, she remained deeply involved in Curtis’s life, helping him investigate a shooting that left him paralyzed.
Jordan's personal and professional relationships have consistently shaped her journey, adding depth and intrigue to her character as she navigates the highs and lows of life in Port Charles.
What is Jordan Ashford's current role in General Hospital?
Jordan Ashford has recently stepped down as the police commissioner of Port Charles after taking on the role of deputy mayor on General Hospital. Although much about her position has changed, Jordan Ashford remains part of what helps to keep the mystery shrouding itself about Port Charles from revealing its truth. Her new job gives her a wider vision of the political landscape of the town, but her journalist instincts are still razor-sharp.
Jordan still works with law enforcement to solve high-profile cases and assists Curtis Ashford in uncovering the truth. She recently assisted him behind the attempted killing that put him into the hospital in a permanent paralytic state, though. While the new position may seem safer than being the commissioner, Jordan's life is still full of intrigue.
She's made new relationships with some of Port Charles' key players, including Anna Devane, and stirred up a little romantic interest from Brick. Although Jordan made some sort of career change, her storylines were still compelling as she went through personal drama regarding her complicated feelings for Curtis and the many secrets and scandals in town.
Interested viewers can watch General Hospital on ABC every weekday.