Sarah recently wed Xander after a long and tortuous romance on Days of Our Lives. While the pair may look forward to a happily-ever-after conjugal life, Sarah has a history of attracting danger in the most innocent situations. She has faced serious peril before and must look out for risks around her.
Sarah Horton's character, currently portrayed by Linsey Godfrey, was shown to move in and out of Salem City since young. The character was played by child artists, initially, followed by Aimee Brooks, and Allison Brown before Godfrey stepped into the role.
New fans of Days of Our Lives may not be aware that Sarah belongs to one of the prominent families of Salem City, the Hortons. Born to Maggie Horton when she was married to Mickey Horton, a teenager Sarah came to know that Neil Curtis was her biological father.
Days of Our Lives: A brief sketch of Sarah Horton

Conceived through the artificial insemination of Maggie Horton, Evan Whyland was believed to be Sarah's father. However, he gave up his rights. Though Mickey Horton did not adopt her, he raised her and Sarah loved him. Born in 1981, a 10-year-old Sarah left for Nashville in 1991.
While she attended Mickey's funeral in 2010, Sarah was again seen in Salem in 2018. She announced her engagement with Rex Brady but broke up after learning about his previous alliances. Wanting to get close to Eric Brady, she inadvertently shared intimate moments with Xander.
Regretting the episode with Xander, she continued to pursue Eric, resulting in a pregnancy. However, while Eric had eyes for Nicole, Sarah was pursued by Xander. At the end of a year, she gave birth to Mickey, who was being taken care of by Xander.
Mickey was diagnosed with neuroblastoma and needed a bone marrow transplant, donated by Gabi. Sarah and Xander came close and she accepted his proposal. Soon, she learned that Mickey was Kristen and Brady Black's baby swapped with her stillborn one. After dumping Xander, she fled to Paris with Mickey.
She returned later to give Kristen her baby back and despite resisting Xander's advances, they made up. However, fate struck again as Kristen escaped from prison and abducted her. Masquerading as Sarah, Kristen manipulated Xander into believing Sarah was dumping him and leaving Salem.
Kristen stabbed Sarah with Dr. Rolf's serum and sent her away to DiMera Island. After a year when Xander started worrying about her, Gwen Rizczech wore a Sarah mask and approached him. Soon the real Sarah was rescued but had memory loss issues.
As seen on Days of Our Lives, after multiple hurdles, she regained her memories gradually and in parts. Xander remained patient with her and as she revived her memories, they used her alibi to collect evidence against Gwen. As the duo started their romantic alliance again, Xander caused Susan Banks' death through his criminal work, despite promising Sarah otherwise.
A furious Sarah walked out on the relationship and sought comfort in her former fiance, Rex. Although pregnant, she married Rex and forbade her mother to inform Xander about his baby. She also continued working at the hospital.
However, when Xander learned the truth about baby Victoria Margaret, he threatened to sue for total custody if she didn't agree to a joint one. With this, they resolved their differences as Xander became a hands-on father to his daughter.
Set to wed on the same day as Alex and Theresa, Sarah invited Xander's mother, Fiona, to the wedding. Fiona revealed at the wedding that Xander was Victor's biological son, Alexander, and also his heir. Ensuing chaos destroyed the couple's third attempt at union on Days of Our Lives. However, after the dust settled on the events, they exchanged vows in the presence of Fiona and Maggie.
What does the future hold for Sarah on Days of Our Lives?
While Sarah is expected to continue her work at the hospital, she will provide emotional support to Xander as he takes on the stressful job of the CEO of the company. She will also be busy taking care of the rapidly growing baby as seen on Days of Our Lives.
However, the spoilers for Days of Our Lives, predict that Sarah won't be far from danger. She will go missing as Fiona and Brady cause and flee from an accident. While newly-wed Xander will go on a search for his missing wife, whether Sarah is in any serious peril remains to be seen.
Watch out for Sarah's turn of fate in the upcoming episodes of Days of Our Lives on weekdays on Peacock.