Tracy Quartermaine, played by Jane Eliot since 1978, is a key figure in General Hospital. As Edward Quartermaine's snobbish daughter, she has impacted many lives in Port Charles. Recently, she set up her granddaughter Brook Lynn at Deception and convinced Finn to go to rehab.
Tracy is also building a friendship with Cody, but on September 12, 2024, she was seen resenting his closeness with Sasha. Known for her scheming past, Tracy has caused plenty of trouble over the years. Jane Eliot has played her on and off, with brief recasts by Christine Jones in 1989 and Allison Miller in 2006.
General Hospital: Revisiting Tracy Quartermaine's history on the soap
Daughter of Edward and Lila Morgan Quartermaine, Tracy of General Hospital was born into the wealthy Quartermaine family leading to her arrogant and highbrow behavior. However, Edward was not prepared for her deceitful nature. In her early years, Tracy tried to gain her father's approval but Edward always thought of Alan as his favorite.
When Tracy, portrayed by Jane Eliot, was introduced on General Hospital, she was a young divorcee with a son, Ned Ashton, with her ex-husband, Lord Lawrence Ashton. While Ned was in boarding school, visiting his grandparents during vacations, Tracy positioned herself as the centre of social gatherings, flirting with various men.
Her first devious act in the soap's storyline was trying to cut out Alan's children from the family inheritance to have her son, Ned, gain the property's hold. Initially, she prayed that Monica, who was married to her brother Alan, would deliver a baby girl. Later she tried to prove that Monica Quartermaine's child had Rick Webber, Monica's ex-beau, as its father.
Tracy Quartermaine's marriage to corrupt politician Mitch Williams ended despite her efforts to keep him away from Susan Moore. When Edward faked a heart attack to test her loyalty, she failed and was disowned from the Quartermaine mansion. Tracy returned from Europe in 1989 to find relationships in Port Charles had changed.
She tried to stop Lucy Coe from having an affair with Alan and discovered her son Ned was involved with her ex-sister-in-law. Tracy teamed up with her ex-husband Larry to push for Alan's divorce from Lucy. After Edward's reported death in a plane crash, she clashed with her brother over ELQ ownership.
She married Paul Hornsby and had her second child, Dillon. But when Paul divorced her, she moved to Europe with Dillon. She next married New York gangster, Gino Soleito, and inherited his business after Gino's death. She visited Port Charles again with a teenager Dillon and tried to blackmail Skye into giving her money. When exposed, she was banished again and she left Dillon behind with his grandparents.
She returned to bail Dillon out of prison but stayed because of Lila's death. She and Alan plotted to take ELQ from Ned who was made the CEO by Edward. Edward collaborated with Sky and Luke Spencer to evade Tracy and Alan's plan. Luke tricked her into marrying him for financial arrangement but she ended up falling for him. She also played a protective and supportive elder to her stepdaughter, Lulu. She, along with Luke, tried all methods to keep Lulu safe.
Besides Lulu, Tracy also accepted her other stepchildren including Ethan Lovett. While suffering mental problems when she talked to her dead brother, Alan, Tracy continued to work aggressively to keep control over the family business and property. After getting together with Paul and dumping him for being the hospital serial killer, she left town with Luke for Amsterdam.
She returned in 2019 to find chaos in the family business as Nelle had ELQ shares. Tracy asked Ned to take action as the CEO. Again in 2020 in General Hospital, Tracy fled town due to trouble with police for her trying to hit Alexis with a car.
What has been Tracy's recent plot dynamics on General Hospital?
While seen intermittently in the last couple of years on General Hospital, Tracy has had a big role to play in Brook Lynn's marriage to Chase and her position in Deception. She comforted Harrison Chase in his final days and convinced Finn to go to rehab after his father's death.
She invited Brook Lynn and Chase to move into the mansion with Violet. She formed a new and unlikely friendship with Cody Bell. However, Cody's closeness with Sasha has upset her and she claims everyone was lying to her. However, she continues to wait for Lulu's recovery.
Watch out for the iconic Jane Eliot as she continues to play Tracy Quartermaine on General Hospital on ABC.