Days of Our Lives is one of the longest-running daytime dramas, having first aired in 1965. As one of the television channel's soap operas which has lasted for a considerable time, the show creates an illusion that Salem is a town that allows the endless happening of dramatic moments to its patrons with lives, loves, and challenges that best illustrate.
Talented actress Camila Banus plays the character of Gabi, who debuted on the show in 2010 and quickly gained popularity. Her character is involved in almost every kind of plot there is, from romantic entanglements to darker, more suspenseful plots.
Gabi has evolved from being a confused young woman over the years into a fearless, determined woman who will stop at nothing to protect herself and those she loves. Banus's portrayal of Gabi has been incredible, as she has brought great depth and intensity to the character, making Gabi one of Salem's most memorable characters in its ongoing saga.
How did Gabi find herself in danger in Days of Our Lives?
Gabi Hernandez is currently under attack because of a long-term feuding battle with Connie, who is obsessed with Gabi. When the uncontrolled obsession of Connie reached its peak, she locked Gabi in a room that highly wired a bomb, and it threatened her life.
This tense moment was building for weeks between the two as Connie gets deadlier over time. When Gabi tries to plead for her captor, trying to get him to see reason, Connie seems not at all disposed to let her go which makes the final scenario heart-stopping as the bomb finally goes off.
Some of the confusion on screen was EJ DiMera, who had been trying to save Gabi, blowing up with her, yet another aspect to the storyline that added ambiguity in which direction it might be heading.
The two characters consumed by the explosion left viewers still wondering which one might make it out alive. What is known is that several dets were placed in Gabi with the intent to kill her, and although it's still not very clear what took place in the explosion, Connie's former behavior is finally going to blow in the face of Salem.
Will Gabi survive the explosion on Days of Our Lives?
At this point, Days of Our Lives has not clarified if Gabi survived, and that is keeping fans in suspense. The explosion was a defining moment for Gabi, whom Salem has tested for their resilience many times.
Gabby has been in worse positions, but this feels very dire. She fights not only for her own life but also for other people's lives and EJ, it makes the situation even more intensified because of the tension of whether she is going to survive too. Cherie Jimenez hinted at a dramatic endgame, probably meaning Gabi's story was far from over.
What does this mean for Gabi's future on Days of Our Lives?
From now on, if Gabi survives the explosion, the traumatic experience will change her life and the people, mostly those who rescued her, she is connected to. EJ's participation in rescuing Gabi suggests he will possibly redeem himself after her rescue, with old alliances resurfacing or new fires being lit.
Alternatively, if Gabi doesn't survive, Salem should be prepared to face a seismic shock by way of her death, which will impact her loved ones and enemies alike. At Days of Our Lives, anything can happen.
There's always a dramatic comeback and at least one unexpected twist. Probably Gabi will go off in some improbable direction, but this moment is part of a crucial chapter in Gabi's journey, marking something that will be remembered long after it fades into memory like a soap opera fade into oblivion.
Interested viewers can watch Days of Our Lives on Peacock every weekday.