Days of Our Lives is one of the oldest American television soap operas. The show aired on NBC from 1965 to 2022 and currently streams new episodes on Peacock. The show, created by husband and wife duo, Ted Corday and Betty Corday, premiered on November 8, 1965. It is co-produced by Corday Productions and Sony Pictures Television.
Days of Our Lives remained the only soap opera on the NBC network until 2022. However, the channel announced on August 3, 2022, that the show will relocate to its streaming services.
The show is a blend of romance, rivalry, and love triangles. In the 70s, the show was given the title of most daring drama. It was widely appreciated by the audience for addressing topics such as same-s*x relationships, mental health, and the like.
Set in the fictional town of Salem, the storyline revolves around the Brady and the Horton families. Iconic characters like Bo and Hope Brady, Marlena Evans, and Stefano DiMera have been contributing to the show's rich legacy.
Even after 59 years of its release, the show keeps the viewers entertained and hooked by the storyline and plot twists.
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Days of Our Lives: Timeline explored
1965 to 1999: As previously mentioned, the show premiered on November 8, 1965, and was hosted by NBC. Initially, the show focused on the Horton family in the city named Salem.
Thereafter, the show's viewership increased due to its strong and unique storyline. It was widely loved for portraying sensitive topics, and it led to an increase in runtime— 60 minutes per episode.
The super couple Doug and Julie Williams were introduced, alongside iconic characters Stefano DiMera, and John Black, establishing the DiMera family as a central force in Salem. Followed by a wedding episode of Bo and Hope Brady, which had 20 million viewers, marking it as a significant cultural event.
In its 90s, the show celebrated the completion of 7000 episodes and won the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series in 1978. As the storyline continued, the introduction second generation characters like Sami Brady and Austin Reed came by.
2000 to present: The show celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2005, followed by the introduction of new characters and new storylines, including the arrival of EJ Wells. The arrival of this mysterious character from the DiMera family brought in plot twists, complex relations, and much more.
As the show evolved it started focusing on contemporary issues and showcasing sensitive topics. In 2018, the show hosted an episode that featured a same-s*x wedding between Will Horton and Sonny Kiriakis, a major milestone.
As aforementioned, in 2022, NBC Network announced that Days of Our Lives will be exclusively streamed on its streaming service Peacock.
In 2021, the show was renewed for two more years, ensuring its place on air through its 57th and 58th seasons. However, the other seasons weren't confirmed due to some production issues. Thereafter in 2023, the production houses concluded and decided to renew the show for two seasons, ensuring 60 seasons for the daily soap opera.
Throughout its history, the show has evolved according to the needs of audiences.
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Fans can watch Days of Our Lives on Peacock.