Days of Our Lives storyline revolves around the tragedies and triumphs of the suburban Horton family, the Bradys, and several other families. Andrew Donovan first appeared on screen on May 16, 1986, as the eldest son born to Kimberly Brady and Shane Donovan. He is a recurring character played by various child actors over the show's timeline. Colton Little portrays the role of adult Andrew Donovan in Days Of Our Lives.
Andrew Donovan has faced various health issues, betrayal, and family complications yet has grown up to be a wonderful adult. He re-appeared on the show in December 2023, as an ISA Agent following his Shane's footsteps. His return to Salem is for handling a kidnapping case. After resolving the case, he is seen returning to Washington DC.
Days of Our Lives is one of the oldest and longest-running scripted American television programs. The show premiered on NBC Television network from 1965 to 2022 and currently streams new episodes on Peacock. The soap opera continued to entertain the audience over the years with its dramatic storyline and plot twists, leading to an increase in viewership.
Andrew Donovan's storyline in Days of Our Lives
Andrew Donovan's storyline in Days Of Our Lives includes complex elements and lots of drama from the character's childhood to adulthood. Andrew is born to the super couple, Kimberly Brady and Shane Donovan, marking a significant event for the Brady Family.
Soon after his birth, he is kidnapped by Emma Donovan (Shane's estranged wife), which leads to a rescue operation and high-stakes drama for the couple. In his early years, he is diagnosed with leukemia, which shows the emotional turmoil faced by the family and their struggle to cope and find a cure. Growing up, Andrew witnesses betrayal, reconciliations, and secrets within the family.
Further in the show, Kimberly is revealed to be pregnant, and she believes that the child might Cal's. To hide the truth, she decides to abort the child, but Shane finds out and they head for a divorce. This is followed by Kimberly taking Andrew along with her.
Over the years, Andrew's character returns to the show only for important occasions, such as funerals, family gatherings, etc. Colton Little enters as adult Andrew Donovan. Stepping into the footsteps of his father Shane Donovan, Andrew is shown as an ISA Agent tasked to search for Steve Johnson and John Black, who are kidnapped. Andrew finds them and the case is resolved after he is seen returning to Washington D.C.
Who plays the adult Andrew Donovan in Days of Our Lives?
Colton Little stepped into the role of adult Andrew Donovan in the show. The character was portrayed by various child actors over the years, such as Robert Eliot Canko (1986 to 1988), Brandon Amber (1988 to 1989), Justin Page (1989), Sky Rumph (1989 to 1990), Bradley Michael Pierce (1990 to 1991), and Brian Davila (1991 to 1992).
Colton is an actor, writer, singer, producer, and director, born on July 30, 1989, in Nebraska, USA,. He has been part of movies and television shows such as A Biltmore Christmas (2023) and General Hospital (1963).
As per Colton's website, the actor had a 5-year contract with Disney Entertainment, performing various live shows across the country. When not acting, Colton enjoys giving personalized training to his clients, helping them achieve their fitness goals. He enjoys teaching unique and crafted workouts to fitness groups. Besides this, he loves trying out new recipes.
Read more: Days of Our Lives spoilers for the next week from July 29 to August 2, 2024
Fans can now enjoy watching Days of Our Lives on Peacock.