The Bold and The Beautiful, created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell, is a long-running American soap opera. The soap debuted in 1987 as a spin-off to The Young and The Restless. It is set in Los Angeles and centers around the lives of the Forrester, Logan, and Spencer families. The show often has crossovers with its sister show, The Young and The Restless.
Daphne Rose is the latest addition to The Bold and the Beautiful, played by French-American actress Murielle Hilaire. She was first introduced on January 7, 2025, and she immediately became a key person in the ongoing drama at Forrester Creations.
She is introduced as a famous perfumer, and her coming symbolizes the start of another chapter full of curious situations and important choices. It is speculated that she might become Carter Walton's love interest on The Bold and The Beautiful.
Who is Daphne Rose on The Bold and The Beautiful?
Daphne Rose enters the world of Forrester Creations with an ambitious proposal for a new perfume line. Steffy Forrester Finnegan uses her arrival as a plan to regain company control. She considers Daphne a vital partner in her strategy to destabilize Carter Walton and Hope Logan, who presently lead Forrester Creations.
Daphne's charisma and skills significantly impact Carter and Hope. She presents a perfume called "Forrester." Daphne’s series gets a spot at Forrester Creations with Brooke Logan's approval. This could lead to both career success and hidden agendas.
Steffy's strategy is to launch a new product and use Daphne to disrupt the present leadership. Daphne's position as a perfume maker is important in getting a place at Forrester Creations and also helps Steffy’s bigger plan to break the partnership between Carter and Hope.
Steffy wishes to employ Daphne to influence Carter, which could bring personal changes that would benefit Steffy. Daphne's loyalty is not clear. At first, she seems to have the same goals as Steffy, but her plans could make her go in different directions.
As she becomes more important at Forrester Creations, it can change current partnerships and bring new disagreements, keeping the audience interested.
About Murielle Hilaire, the actress who plays Daphne Rose on The Bold and The Beautiful
Murielle Hilaire, who acts as Daphne Rose, is a Franco-American actress with extensive experience in TV and cinema. She was born and grew up in Guadeloupe, an island in the Caribbean in France.
At a young age, she started her acting career. When she was merely seven years old, she performed on stage for the first time as Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame story. She began her television career at 18 with a part in Baie des Flamboyants, a French series.
Since then, she's been part of major projects like Death in Paradise and Ils Étaient Dix (aka They Were Ten), an Agatha Christie mini-series. In 2023, Hilaire had her first feature film appearance in Hollywood by acting side-by-side with Morgan Freeman and Cole Hauser in The Ritual Killer.
Besides her acting work, Hilaire has a deep experience in classical dance and modeling. She spent her early career working on her craft in Paris and New York. Currently, she lives with her daughter in Los Angeles.
Fans can watch The Bold and The Beautiful on CBS.