Jack Finnegan, played by Ted King, made his appearance on The Bold and the Beautiful in 2021 as Finn Finnegan's adoptive father. He was initially introduced to the show as a guest actor but ended up receiving an Emmy award for the same. While he has not made an appearance for more than a year since May 2023, his recent social media post hints at a return to the soap again soon.
For the newly indicted fans of The Bold and the Beautiful, Dr. John "Finn" Finnegan was known to have been the adopted child of Jack and Li Finnegan. He and Steffy are in matrimony and have two children in the union. Meanwhile, the morally righteous doctor found out Sheila Carter was his biological mother. His real relationship with Jack was a surprising revelation for him and the viewers.
The Bold and the Beautiful: A look at Jack Finnegan's character
Jack Finnegan, is an attorney who was married to Li, a doctor. As mentioned before, he was first introduced to the soap in 2021, and then from July 2022 onwards he made regular appearances till June 2023.
In 2022, he was awarded the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Performer in a Drama Series. As per People reports, Ted King is set to reappear on The Bold and the Beautiful in 2024.
For a long time, viewers of The Bold and the Beautiful knew Dr. Finn to be the adopted son of Jack and Li Finnegan. In 2021, Jack appeared in the soap when he surprised Finn with a visit. After learning about Finn's wedding with Steffy Forrester, Jack and Li decided to attend the ceremony.
At the wedding, Jack got a rude shock when Finn introduced Sheila as his biological mother. Jack feared Sheila would spill the truth about him, which she threatened to do. Viewers of The Bold and the Beautiful discovered that Jack was Finn's biological father after he and Sheila had a quick affair. Later, Jack had arranged to adopt his own son, keeping the truth from his wife, Li.
Confronted with the dilemma, Jack revealed the truth, first to his wife and later to Finn. An upset Li divorced Jack for having cheated on her while Finn broke ties with him.
Jack was seen meeting Sheila in May 2023, when she was in prison. She had reached out to him through emails. While she tried to emotionally blackmail him, Jack seemed to fight off the manipulation.
What is in store for Jack Finnegan in The Bold and the Beautiful?
As of now, Jack is revealed to be the adoptive as well as biological father of Finn Finnegan. However, this revelation has cost him his marriage to Li, who walked out of the conjugal life.
On the other hand, his son, Finn, also rejected him for holding the lie for so long. Moreover, knowing Sheila's vicious character, Jack cannot approach her for any empathy either. As per the storyline, Jack Finnegan was left a lonely character.
However, after Finn's return from death after being shot by Sheila, Jack, Finn, and Li may have buried the proverbial hatchet. Finn was seen forgiving his father while Jack was genuinely concerned for Li and Finn.
Currently, the news of his return to the show may bring up opportunities for many story arcs to develop. He may team up with Sheila since they share Finn between them. There is also speculation about his connection with Luna Nozawa who is looking out for her paternity origins.
Look out for Jack's unfolding story arc on The Bold and the Beautiful airing on CBS and Paramount+ on weekdays.