CBS' The Young and The Restless which aired first in 1973, continues to intrigue fans with their interesting storyline and dramatic plot twists. Matt Clark's character was introduced to the show in 1994 when he was a high school student and his character arc was mostly centered around Nick Newman and Sharon Collins. He was Sharon's partner until she chose Nick instead which caused tensions.
His character on The Young and The Restless was deeply troubled and when he felt cornered by Nick Newman, it ended up in the two of them fighting physically. Matt Clark assaulted Nick and tensions escalated in Genoa City, Wisconsin. In one instance, Matt was jealous and angered and raped Sharon which left her extremely traumatized. Later, Nick confronted Matt.
Matt Clark's character arc on The Young and The Restless
Matt's character arc on The Young and The Restless has been tumultuous. After his confrontation with Nick about assaulting Sharon, he was found shot and lying in a pool of blood. Nick Newman was blamed for the crime and wrongfully convicted and ended up receiving a fifteen-year prison sentence. Later, it was revealed that Matt had also abused one of Sharon's friends Amy Wilson, who was the real shooter. This led to Nick being released and Matt leaving Genoa City in 1996.
The Young and The Restless's Matt Clark returned to Genoa City in 2000 under the guise of Carter Mills. His thirst for revenge led him to get plastic surgery and try to seek vengeance from Sharon and Nick as Carter Mills. He made his way into Crimson Lights which was a café owned by Sharon and Nick and ended up getting Nick arrested on false charges of drug possession. Matt did not stop there and attempted to assault Sharon once again but Nick ended up saving her.
Matt's viciousness led him to try to frame Nick Newman even while he was on his deathbed. He suffered from a car accident and he tried to implicate Nick and blame his death on him as he removed his own breathing tube. His character was finally written off as he died in 2001. Throughout Matt's tenure in the show, three actors have portrayed him.
Eddie Cibrian from 1994 to 1996, Russell Lawrence in 2000, and Rick Hearst from 2000 to 2001 portrayed Matt Clark on The Young and The Restless. Matt Clark is still remembered as one of the most hostile characters on the show.
Recent plotlines on The Young and The Restless
Recent storylines on The Young and The Restless are centered around Sharon navigating new and dangerous risks that potentially be life-threatening and are yet to be revealed to viewers while Phyllis plots a scheme against Victor Newman. Billy is shown encouraging and collaborating with Phyllis on this coup.
Victor's speech during the family Christmas party was heartfelt and enjoyed by many residents of Genoa City. Jack and Kyle have been shown sharing time and bonding during the holiday season while Chance and Summer were shown trying to figure out their relationship. Ian's history with Jordan was also revealed which might add further drama to the storyline in upcoming episodes.
Fans can watch the show on CBS and stream episodes on Hulu.