Days of Our Lives is an American soap opera based in the fictional city of Salem. The daytime show mainly focuses on the Brady and Horton families, who live in the city, alongside other characters who get involved with the families over time.
Melinda Trask is an aggressive district attorney who has been involved in many legal disputes in Salem. Laura Kai Chen first played the character from 2013 to 2019, and later, Tina Huang took over the role.
Haley Chen was Melinda Trask’s daughter on Days of Our Lives. Haley was first introduced as Melinda’s sister, but their true relationship was disclosed later. Haley Chen was played by American Idol contestant Thia Megia.
Haley’s character was first introduced in the episode that aired on December 20, 2018, for a brief period. Haley passed away on the show in November 2019 after the time jump from 2019 to 2020 took place. Her story was revealed in flashbacks, and her last episode aired on January 24, 2020. She was portrayed as a nurse at the university hospital.
Haley’s story was full of tension and ended with a tragic accident. Her life in Salem was chaotic, including her relationship with JJ Deveraux and finding out about her true parents. She faced legal issues because of her immigration status. Her journey on Days of Our Lives ended with her death due to falling from the stairs at the hospital.
Days of Our Lives: Haley was Melinda's daughter
Haley was found unconscious by JJ Deveraux in her first scene on Days of Our Lives. She tried committing suicide when JJ found her. He saved her, and eventually, they started to develop a bond. At first, Haley was reluctant to accept his help, but JJ insisted on helping her as he had gone through the same situation just a year ago.
Haley didn’t want JJ to tell anyone anything about her suicide attempt, as she might lose her job because of that. Her boss, Dr. Kayla Johnson, found out from another nurse and was disappointed with JJ for hiding this from her.
When Kayla was talking to JJ, Haley overheard half their conversation and presumed that JJ betrayed her and told Kayla everything, though this confusion was cleared later. But Kayla has to take her off the job. While trying to understand Haley’s situation, Kayla gave her a chance if she agreed to get counseling from Marlena.
The problems in her story on Days of Our Lives have just started as it was revealed that she was an illegal immigrant. The situation between JJ and Haley worsens as his father is running for the position of mayor and is strictly against illegal immigration.
To save herself, Haley married Tripp Dalton, but that had its complications. Tripp’s girlfriend, Claire Brady, was angry at Haley, so she exposed their fake marriage. After all this, Haley was about to be deported, but Melinda showed up and revealed that Haley was her daughter, not her sister, which saved her from being deported.
On Days of Our Lives, Haley’s death was revealed in the flashbacks. During a confrontation with Kristen DiMera, Haley lost her balance and fell off the stairs. Kristen had lost her newborn baby under Haley’s care at the hospital, and Kristen’s grief led to an angry physical altercation in which Haley lost her life.
Kristen is now being blamed for Haley’s death. Haley’s death not only ended her story on The Days of Our Lives but also affected characters like JJ, who struggled with substance abuse in the aftermath of her passing.
Haley Chan’s story was brief yet relevant to the viewers. It delivered the message of love, survival, and not giving up on oneself.
Fans can watch Days of Our Lives by subscribing to Peacock. It is also available on Amazon Prime Video in some countries.