ABC's General Hospital first premiered on American television on April 1, 1963, and has been a fan favorite for decades. The show was created by the couple Doris and Frank Hursely and was set in the fictional city of Port Charles New York. General Hospital's themes revolve around the life and happenings of the members of the Corinthos, Quartermaine, Cassadine, and Spencer families.
Michael Corinthos, one of the show's main characters, has a long and complicated paternity history. Michael's biological father is Alan James Quartermaine and his biological mother is Carly Spencer. AJ and Carly conceived Michael after being briefly intimate with each other and Carly from the very beginning had decided that she wanted to keep her child away from AJ due to his substance abuse issues and alcoholism.
General Hospital's character Michael's paternity explored
Carly, who is Michael's biological mother on General Hospital, initially during her pregnancy did not wish to reveal the true identity of AJ as the father of her unborn child and claimed falsely that Jason Morgan was the father. It was not until much later when AJ found out that he was Michael's biological father.
Michael was raised away from AJ, especially by Sonny Corinthos, an important mob lord in Port Charles. Carly had married Sonny Corinthos in 2001 and Sonny had legally taken over the role of Michael's father and adopted him. Michael grew up to be influenced, loved, and taken care of by Sonny, who was extremely close to him.
Michael Corinthos was under the impression for years that Sonny was his father and after becoming an adult, he found out about his connection to AJ Quartermaine. Carly and Sonny had for years carefully crafted an opinion and impression of AJ as the bad guy to keep Michael away from him.
AJ Quartermaine's character on General Hospital was killed in the year 2014 when Sonny Corinthos was shown shooting him while the two were engaged in a heated disagreement. After Michael learned about this event, he drifted from Sonny as he was devasted that he had missed out on the opportunity to get to know AJ and bond with him.
Recent storyline developments on General Hospital
Recent plotlines on the show revealed how Michael suffered a huge attack when he was caught up in the fire explosion at the Corinthos penthouse. He suffered from third-degree burns in over 40 percent of his body. Jason Morgan was shown recusing him from the fire and pulling him out of there. He also made sure Sonny did not risk his health to save his son due to his fragile heart condition.
Michael was shown suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest after Cyrus Renault had overdosed on his IV bags with digitalis. He was saved in time by doctors Isaiah and Lucas. Carly and Sonny were shown leaning onto each other for support during this difficult time and taking hold of the situation regarding the custody battle of Michael and Willow's children.
Josslyn Jacks was shown trying to find out and investigate who was behind the series of murders in Port Charles and hatching a plan to exact revenge.
Fans and viewers can watch General Hospital on ABC Network and stream episodes on Hulu.