ABC's General Hospital first premiered on April 1, 1963. The show, created by Doris and Frank Hursley, is set in Port Charles, New York, and has won numerous Daytime Emmy Awards, including the prestigious Outstanding Drama Series. The soap primarily revolves around the Corinthos, Quartermaine, Spencer, and Cassadine families.
One of the show's integral characters, Michael Corinthos's biological father on General Hospital, was AJ Quartermaine. The character on General Hospital was played by Sean Kanan from 1993 to 1997 and from 2012 to 2014 until his character died. Billy Warlock played the role from 1997 until AJ was shown to be supposedly dead on the show in 2005.
AJ Quartermaine on General Hospital
Michael's paternity has been a long journey on General Hospital. AJ, or Alan James Quatermaine, was the son of Monica and Alan and belonged to the wealthy Quartermiane family. AJ used to suffer from chronic alcoholism, which caused significant issues for his near and dear ones.
Michael's mother, Carly, had a long and rough history with AJ due to his addiction. When she conceived Michael, she initially wanted to not reveal the identity of the father as she did not want AJ to get involved. Carly had claimed that Jason Morgan was the father. Eventually, the truth was revealed when Robin, Jason's girlfriend, told AJ that he was Michael's biological father.
Later, on General Hospital, Carly married Sonny Corinthos, the mob leader, who then became Michael's adoptive father. He grew up believing that Sonny was his father and shared a deep bond with him. Eventually, as an adult, he found out the truth about AJ. Sonny and Carly schemed together for years to taint AJ's reputation and keep Michael away from him despite his attempts to try to get closer to his son.
AJ was killed on the show in 2014 when Sonny Corinthos shot him while the two of them were having a heated argument. Michael was shown to be devasted after learning about AJ's death, as he knew he missed out on the chance to get to know his biological father further. His relationship with Sonny became tumultuous after learning that he had killed AJ.
Recent developments on General Hospital
Recent storylines on the show revealed Michael Corinthos's tragic accident at the fire explosion at the Corinthos penthouse. He was shown suffering from severe third-degree burns and being hospitalized at the burns unit. Sonny and Carly were devastated by their son's situation and leaned on each other for support.
Carly blamed Sonny for this, as she believed that the explosion occurred due to his dangerous mob associations. Willow, Michael's wife, and Drew Quartermaine received the news from Nina Reeves while they were spending intimate time in DC. The two rushed back to Port Charles.
Willow Tait was shown running into Josslyn Jacks face-to-face in the hospital corridor when the latter confronted her about not caring for Michael. Jason Morgan supported Carly and Sonny at the hospital while Kristina was shown coping with Michael's condition.
Jason was sitting by Michael's bedside in the hospital when he suddenly woke up and groaned in pain due to the burns on his body. The upcoming episodes of the show will shed further light on how these plotlines progress.
Fans and viewers can watch General Hospital on ABC Network and stream episodes on Hulu.