Cole Howard had been one of the beloved characters in The Young and the Restless, which is telecasted on the CBS network. Cole debuted on the show in September 1980. The character was initially played by N.P. Schoch (child actor) from 1980 to 1981, before J. Eddie Peck stepped in as a young Cole in 1993. It is currently a recurring character on the show.
The Young and the Restless is an American TV show. Set in Genoa City, it has been one of the longest-running soap operas.
Cole Howard was introduced as the son of Eve Howard and Marvin Oakley. The character was initially seen on the show only for two years. However, Eddie Peck entered the show as Cole in 1993 and remained with the soap until 1999.
Cole Howard's storyline in The Young and the Restless
ColePost Cole, portrayed by J. Eddie Peck, enters Genoa City as a writer and professor. He meets Victoria Newman, who is one of the central characters in the show.
As they spend time together, they develop feelings for each other and get married despite Victoria's father's disapproval. Their relationship faces challenges and problems due to the inference of Victoria's powerful family.
He then gets into a love triangle with Victoria and Ashley. This is followed by Victoria and Cole getting divorced. However, Victoria becomes pregnant which changes their relationship dynamics, and they try to reconcile and decide to marry again but eventually fail. This leads to Cole and Ashley's relationship deepening.
Cole's relationship gets disrupted with Victoria and Ashley due to his conflicts with Newman's family. He eventually leaves Genoa City, marking the end of his storyline on the show. However, his departure affects all the characters involved and has a lasting impression on Victoria and Ashley's storyline.
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Who plays Cole Howard in The Young and the Restless?
Eddie Peck portrayed the role of Cole Howard in the iconic daily soap opera. He was born on October 10, 1958. Peck is an American television and film actor, popular for his roles in All My Children as Jake Martin and Cheers as Lance Apollonaire.
In an interview with Soap Central, when asked about his return to the show given the storyline, Peck said it was initially for a day or two. However, the story was expanded. He further added:
"I did not know what lie ahead as far as the storyline, but what I love so much about the storyline is the spinoffs that have come from Jordan and Claire and Cole coming back, certainly with Nikki’s story spinning off as a result of this, this kind of cascading story that happens."
Peck was also asked whether he enjoyed the reunion, to which he replied:
“Oh, I loved that! And it was beautifully played by both actresses [Eileen Davidson, Ashley, and Amelia Heinle, Victoria]. It was truly two [characters] remembering their history together and then mixing in their history together with Cole."
Peck currently plays as role of Cole in The Young and the Restless. Stirring old rivalries and relationships, the character keeps the audience hooked to television as he navigates his life through various plot twists and complex relationships.
Fans can watch The Young and the Restless on CBS.