Premiered on ABC on April 1, 1963, General Hospital is one of the longest-running American soap operas. Created by Frank and Doris Hursley, the show has garnered a huge fanbase with its dramatic storyline and unique character set up in the fictional town of Port Charles.
One of the most prominent characters on the show was John "Jagger" Cates and was portrayed by Antonio Sabato Jr. from 1992 to 1995 and again in 2008 on Night Shift. Throughout his time on the show, Jagger became a fan favorite.
Following several years, the character was recast in February 2024. With this, actor Adam J. Harrington takes over as Jagger.
The reason for this recasting was most likely his political views and the backlash he received in Hollywood. However, the character was shot twice by Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard). This happened in the episode that aired on Friday, August 30, 2024 and prompted his departure.
Reason behind Antonio Sabato Jr.’s General Hospital exit
Antonio Sabato Jr. played John "Jagger" Cates from 1992 to 1994. In one of the social media posts, he had never been asked to return in the 30 years since his departure.
He mentioned that this happened even though he was popular on the show. He said that although the network and producers knew where he was, they never contacted him about making a comeback.
Additionally, Sabato hinted that his political views could have played a role in his decision to skip the program.
Sabato, a fervent Republican Party and Donald Trump supporter, said that he was "blacklisted" in Hollywood and could not get new acting roles. He believes that the criticism affected his career and made him decide not to go back to the soap opera.
A closer look at Antonio Sabato Jr.’s character on General Hospital
Antonio Sabato Jr. debuted on General Hospital in 1992 as Jagger Cates. He was known as Jagger, the ‘tough but sweet’ character who almost immediately became a hit among the viewers.
The character had been involved in several subplots including a storyline that required him to fall in love and court the character of Karen Wexler.
Most of Jagger's plots were related to his hard work as a cop or rather his efforts to tame himself in the negative poles of women.
During his stay in the show, Jagger was a central figure in the 1990s for his strong sense of determination and his appeal. He was assertive in pursuing professional goals but also conflict-ridden in personal spheres of life which compelled the series to retain him.
Current storyline of General Hospital
As per the latest episodes of General Hospital, Lucky is considering leaving Port Charles again because she isn't sure she wants to stay. Lucky doesn't feel like he belongs, which upsets Elizabeth since she wants him to stay and be a part of the family with her and Aiden.
After receiving an opportunity to work, Dr. Isaiah Gannon is unsure whether to remain or carry on with his work in Africa. Carly stands up for Jason after a fight between him and Drew.
Drew is concerned about the consequences but does not want to file charges. As they work through their problems, tension is rising between the two men who are coping with secrets.
Fans can stream General Hospital on the ABC network.
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