General Hospital is ABC’s longest-running soap opera and the second-longest show in American soap opera history after Guiding Light. The show created by Frank & Doris Hursley first aired on April 1, 1963, and has been running for over 60 years with promising viewership.
Season 61 of General Hospital is expected to be around 250 episodes long, which will show high-end drama with fans' favorite characters exiting and returning to Port Charles. New episodes of the daytime show airs from every Monday to Friday at 3 pm Eastern Time. However, in exceptional cases, like the one in question, episodes don't air as per usual.
According to a report by Soaps She Knows, the new episode of General Hospital which was supposed to air on Monday, September 2, 2024, didn’t air due to the Labor Day holiday. Instead, the show aired an encore of its August 1, 2024 episode which shows Kristina’s fall through the window of Metro Court Hotel in Port Charles.
General Hospital: A brief recap of the August 1, 2024 episode
In the episode of General Hospital aired on August 1, 2024, things got intense with confrontations and conflicts all over Port Charles. At the hospital, Alexis had a heated argument with Adrian and told him not to publish anything else about Kristina or the consequences would not be good.
Meanwhile, Jordan visited her son, T.J., who told her about the problems he and Molly were having because of Kristina as she was the surrogate for their child. Jordan thought they might need a lawyer, but T.J. didn't want to fight over the baby. Later, Alexis also told T.J. to avoid conflict, but the latter was worried about Kristina's plans regarding the baby.
In another part of the town, Molly and Sam met at the Port Charles Surf Lodge to catch up. Molly told Sam about the latest happenings with Kristina, including their disagreement about the termination papers and Molly’s efforts to reconcile.
Sam appreciated Molly for being the bigger person, and both sisters felt optimistic about fixing their problems. At the Metro Court pool, Brook Lynn told her mom, Lois, some great news about a new record label. But Lois was worried about Sonny’s role in it, even though Brook Lynn said it was just about money.
Things got more serious when Natalia came up to Blaze, leading to an emotional confrontation between mother and daughter. In the meantime, Sonny was hard at work in his office, organizing the monitoring of Ava and attempting to prevent her from seeing Avery.
Kristina burst into his office, furious about Ava's summons, but Sonny promised her that the matter wouldn't go to trial. Things got tense when Scott told Sonny that the court had decided to let Ava see Avery.
Out of angst and to teach Ava a lesson, Kristina went to the Metro Court Hotel, where she had an argument with Ava, but the confrontation took a dramatic turn when Kristina fell from the second floor into the pool, leaving everyone shocked and hinted at more trouble to come.
The following episodes of General Hospital show the trouble Ava got into as she is being blamed for Kristina's fall, because of which Molly and TJ lost their child.
Fans can watch the new episodes of the show on ABC and Hulu.