The Bold and the Beautiful is a famous American soap opera created by William J. Bell and Lee Phillip Bell. It first aired on March 23, 1987, as a spin-off of The Young and the Restless. The show focuses on the wealthy Forrester family and their fashion business in Los Angeles. Its complex relationships and dramatic storylines have kept viewers around the world hooked.
With a cast including John McCook as Eric Forrester and Katherine Kelly Lang as Brooke Logan, B&B is known as the most-watched soap opera globally, with more than 26 million viewers. The show has won 77 Daytime Emmy Awards, including three wins for Outstanding Drama Series in a row. It remains popular and has been renewed for the 2024–2025 TV season.
The Bold and the Beautiful is available in Spanish through CBS's secondary audio program option. This option provides a Spanish-dubbed version of the show, making it accessible to the Hispanic audience in the US. It’s the only daytime soap opera in America that offers a Spanish broadcast at the same time as the English one, making it more inclusive for more viewers.
How to change the language while watching The Bold and the Beautiful
With the SAP (Secondary Audio Program) feature, a user can switch between the original English audio and the Spanish version of the soap opera. This makes it easy to watch the show in the different languages. Here’s how to change the language step by step:
- Access Video Controls: While watching the program, the user may hover the cursor over the bottom of the screen to reveal the video controls.
- Find the SAP Icon: Look for the SAP icon, which resembles a speech bubble or audio symbol.
- Select Your Language: Click the SAP icon to open the language menu. In the pop-up box, select the language they want to hear, such as Spanish.
- Set a Default Language: For a more convenient experience, the viewers can set their preferred SAP language as the default. Go to the Settings page, click Language, and choose the preferred language for all programs.
This feature provides access to professionally dubbed audio, offering a full experience for Spanish-speaking audiences, not just subtitles. If one faces any issues or cannot find the SAP option, they may contact their service provider or seek technical support.
Also Read: The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers: Trouble brewing in Taylor and Ridge’s renewed romance
What to expect from the upcoming episode of The Bold and the Beautiful
On January 23, 2025, The Bold and the Beautiful brings intense drama to Forrester Creations. Hope and Carter celebrate a major milestone by bringing Daphne Rose on board. This move is a major step toward Carter’s dream of making Forrester a top luxury brand worldwide. But little do they know that Daphne might cause unexpected complications in their dynamic.
At the same time, Steffy is determined to take back her family’s company. While Hope enjoys her success, Steffy is working on a new plan to beat Carter and Hope and take revenge on them.
Over at the Spencer mansion, Bill shares a heartfelt moment with Luna, opening up about his difficult childhood. Their emotional talk reveals the pain that has influenced Bill’s life and choices, giving the viewers a rare look into his past.
Fans of The Bold and the Beautiful can watch the show's new episodes on CBS and Paramount Plus.