In the recent episode on the General Hospital aired on July 17, 2024, the character in Port Charles faced confessions and confrontations. The episode showed that Valentin explained his plan to Anna, Carly questioned Lois, and Gio confessed to Josslyn. Following this Nina made a threat, Natalia asked Sonny for a favor and Jason warned John.
Recently on General Hospital Valentin got into trouble because of his involvement with the organisation Pikeman. Anna had to destroy the evidence of his involvement which made her feel miserable and confused about her feelings for Valentin. To save himself from the authorities Valentin had planned to run with his daughter and he asked Anna to join them.
Though Anna loves Valentin she also has the responsibility of her granddaughters. The viewers were speculating if Anna would decide to leave with Valentin and his daughter Charlotte. But as Anna has been known for her loyalty and dedication, she refused to join Valentin on his run.
The stakes are high for characters on General Hospital
Carly questioned Lois
In the latest twists on General Hospital, Carly Cornithos questioned Lois to know more about Gio. As Gio had arrived recently in Port Charles, Carly had a lot of questions about his background and his motive to arrive in the city.
To confirm if Gio has anything to do with Sonny, Carly pressurized Lois to throw up anything she knew about him. Carly asked Lois why Sonny never mentioned Gio. Lois tried to make her way out of this conversation but Carly’s insecurities might not stop there. Previously it was also speculated that Gio might be Sonny’s son but nothing is yet confirmed.
Nina threatened Ava
Recently on General Hospital, Nina had promised Sonny that she would always support him in the legal fight for Avery’s custody. With this promise that she had made with Sonny, Nina warns Ava Jerome that she will testify against her during the custody hearing. So that Avery remains with Sonny and gets a stable life.
This straight-up threat might lead to new complications in Port Charles. Ava has yet not responded to the warning by Nina.
Natalia asked Sonny for a favor
Because of all the wrong that Natalia has done to Blaze and Kristina, they are unable to forgive her and forget all that happened to them. Though Natalia is trying to make amends and is guilty about what she has done in the past, things might not change drastically for her.
To sort out her problems with Blaze and Kristina, Natalia asked Sonny Cornithos to become a mediator and talk to them. This request had left Sonny in a dilemma if he should speak in between or not.
Jason warned John
As Jason very well understands the tactics of Ava, he warns John to carefully think before trusting Ava for anything. Ava’s history in the General Hospital has shown how she can use people for her own benefit. Well, Jason isn’t any different either as he is also thinking about his own interest to make new alliances.
Even though Jason had warned John, it is now over John if he would still believe in Ava. Jason said to John, "I would think twice about believing anything that woman has to say."
Gio confessed to Josslyn
Amidst the chaos on the General Hospital, Gio who is very new in the Port Charles, seemed to lose his hope. Gio told Josslyn that he had probably overstayed in Port Charles, even though he was the one to reject Lois' offer to play violin on Broadway. Gio is tense about his future and if he should reconsider Lois’ offer or wait for something else.
Fans can watch new episodes of General Hospital on ABC.