Three-star Arizona commit Bryce James is a known jokester, from clowning on teammates to his hilarious impersonation of his dad, NBA legend LeBron James. He also pranked his mom, Savannah, during a May 7 episode of her "Everybody's Crazy Podcast," impersonating a caller talking about his crazy week.
"Um, so my crazy is, you know, I'm 17 years old and I'd be playing video games and I'll be cussing, screaming, banging a desk and my mom comes in and like starts yelling at me. So I just want to know if you think that's crazy?" asked Bryce James disguised as a caller. (1:02)
However, Savannah found that familiar and said that the situation was actually crazy too.
"I think it's crazy because I can hear my son through the walls as well, said Savannah James.
"But you know, I did this rule with my sons, this is Savannah. You know, they play basketball and I gave them the 'you can cuss on the court" rule. But I guess I got to translate that to 'you could cuss me on the game too' because the obscenities that fly out of their mouths through my closet wall, it's crazy. (1:16)
However, it seemed that she did not know that it was her son, who was adept at changing his voice. This was when Bryce James finally went back to his normal voice.
"To be honest, mom, I don't even think that's crazy at all," said Bryce at the reveal that it was him all along. (2:23)
Savannah's co-host, April McDaniel, said that this also happens in her house, the difference is that it often sounds like somebody is dying. Bryce referenced this too.
"why are you dying?" asked Bryce jokingly. (2:44)
This was when Savannah could not stop laughing and could not believe that her son was so good at changing his voice.
Savannah was in South Korea when Bryce James and Sierra Canyon won the Hoophall Classic MVP
On Jan. 18, Bryce James and the Sierra Canyon Trailblazers took on Grayson during the Hoophall Classic, where the youngest James son won MVP honors. LeBron James was busy with a packed NBA schedule, and Bronny was busy with the G League and the Lakers. This raised the question of Savannah's absence during such an important event.
It was revealed that she was over 6,400 miles away as she was on a trip to South Korea with her youngest child, Zhuri Nova. The two posted several photos on Instagram Stories, but the mom-of-four later posted a collage of photos of Bryce on her Instagram Stories.