A Korean reality competition show, Physical: 100, is created by producer Jang Ho-gi. The show brings together 100 players known for their well-built physiques, and the competition aims to find the most physically fit of them all.
The players have to go through various team and individual challenges, and after each round, a participant gets evicted. The losing player has to destroy a plaster cast of their torso with a sledgehammer. After the rounds of challenges, the person left till the end becomes the winner and wins the 300 million Won cash prize. The show is about physical strength and is a thrilling watch.
Below are some similarly-themed shows for viewers who enjoy Korean reality television shows like Physical: 100.
Culinary Class Wars, Single's Inferno, and other Korean reality shows to watch if you liked Physical: 100
1) The Great Escape
The Great Escape is a comedy reality show that brings together a group of celebrities and features life-sized escape rooms. The contestants must try to find a way out of the rooms, and the one who does so wins a cash prize.
The show is fun, strategic, and entertaining. Each escape challenge has a different theme, and players must use various tactics to get out without being caught by the guards.
2) Culinary Class Wars - Netflix
Culinary Class Wars is a cooking reality show with many similarities to Physical: 100. The show features hundred a professional chefs, dividing them into teams of white spoons—experienced chefs, and black spoons—amateurs.
With a cash prize of 300 million won, the two teams must go head-to-head. The show is hectic, fast-paced, and has various engaging challenges. The judged include Paik Jong-won and Anh Sung-jae.
3) We Got Married
We Got Married is a reality variety show with a unique premise. In the show, celebrities are paired and asked to pretend they are married. Together, they must complete various challenges. The show has also inspired various spin-offs.
The contestants are periodically asked about their ongoing relationship and any struggles they are facing. Some tasks they have to finish together include preparing dinner with a fixed amount of money.
4) Single's Inferno - Netflix
Single's Inferno is a reality show that blends love and survival. A group of single people are left on an island and must now find their partner, complete challenges, and leave the island.
Season 1 of the show is hosted by Lee Da-hee, Kyuhyun, and Hanhae. The participants get the opportunity to know each other through dates while also ensuring survival by cooking their own food, not using electronics, and more.
5) Agents of Mystery - Netflix
Agents of Mystery is a reality competition show featuring famous Korean celebrities each season. They are made into agents and must solve various mysteries and complete occult-themed challenges.
The show is set on a secretive site and provides various clues as the agents try to solve cases. The show is a test of one's skills and teamwork. The show is divided into two missions of three episodes.
6) Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant
Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant is a reality cooking show that brings various celebrities together to battle it out in the kitchen. The stars are given a theme and must create a unique recipe and cook a dish around the topic.
The dishes are then judged by a squad of judges who decide if the dish is fit to be sold in retail stores. Different parameters that decide the worthiness of a dish include taste, texture, originality, and marketability.
7) Knowing Bros - Netflix
This entertainment reality series is a unique Korean show. Knowing Bros, also known as Men on a Mission or Ask Us Anything, is shot in a high school classroom setting with a group of "brothers" acting as students.
Various celebrities visit the school as visiting students and are interviewed by the brothers. The program's second half consists of a fun segment, where the cast and guests perform various activities like playing games or doing improvs.
8) Siren: Survive the Island - Netflix
Siren: Survive the Island is a reality competition series that places 24 women and divides them into teams of four. The teams are based on occupation and feature brave women like firefighters, soldiers, and more.
The teams are brought to a remote island where they compete in various challenges. The show takes place for seven days, and by the end, only the winning team remains. The show has a unique and thrilling concept.
Viewers are can go through the list and choose to watch the reality show of their liking.