Netflix released all six episodes of Agents of Mystery on June 18, 2024. The reality show brings the cast members, including John Park, Lee Yong-jin, Lee Eun-ji, Kim Do-hoon, Lee Hye-ri and aespa Karina, into a real-life mystery situation.
The members have to solve cases and fulfill their missions while also returning without getting caught and saving the ones they have to save. With strong teamwork and quick thinking, they solve the mission and escape the danger.
The agents have to solve two cases, both of which are linked to harmful electric waves and areas with a high concentration of it. However, the group only has six hours for each mission, by the end of which they have to return to the pod, which teleports them back to the base.
The two cases are divided into three episodes each, making it a total of six episodes in the series.
The first episode, titled Followers of the Evil One, has the six investigating a cult and the kidnapping of three women. The second is located in an underground submarine, where five crew members have died, and there's suspicious activity of the last remaining member.
Agents of Mystery, Followers of the Evil One: Did they rescue the three kidnapped women?
The investigative crew or the Agents of Mystery is informed of the electric waves coming from a factory on the outskirts of the city.
The factory is closed now. Moreover, three women who share the same birthday are missing. The task is to investigate the factory and rescue the three women in the first mission of Agents of Mystery.
As they enter the location, the group is posed with various puzzles they have to solve. From Young-jin putting his hand through a maggot-filled slimy opening to turn a switch to Karina sneakily watching the guard while risking getting caught, the agents solved multiple puzzles to find the notes of a journalist.
By eavesdropping on the cult members, they find out that a ritual to open the gates of hell will be taking place that night. They are caught by the occultists right after they find the kidnapped girls. Do-hoon and Young-jin are split from the rest of the group and put in a wagon with the three girls to be offered as sacrifices.
Meanwhile, the rest of them figured out the counter-ritual and collected the ingredients to perform it before escaping along with the three kidnapped girls.
Agents of Mystery, Deep Sea Mystery: What caused the death of 5 crew members?
The second case requires the crew to go into a submarine where five members have been reported to be dead. Their task is to verify what happened inside the submarine and retrieve storage devices from the main computer.
Similar to the last case, the agents had to solve multiple riddles and figure out a few patterns. As they kept discovering more and more headless dead bodies, the anticipation of a creature lurking grew.
After figuring out the password to a laptop, they find out that the crew had been researching what they called UML-01. The creature had taken the body of a crew member as a host and eaten the heads of the rest. The same creature had been lurking in the vents, much to their awareness.
After multiple attempts, they activate the central computer and figured out how to operate the gates. After finding more information on the second floor, they return to the control room to learn more about what happened on the submarine.
Finding more information about the creature, they discover that carbon dioxide repels it. The agents escaped with the help of a fire extinguisher that stores carbon dioxide inside it.
Agents of Mystery has the six celebrities on their toes throughout the entire duration. However, the group of six completed every task on time.